[WikiLeaks] Continued imprisonment of Julian Assange ‘a criminal act’, says his wife
[WikiLeaks] Continued imprisonment of Julian Assange ‘a criminal act’, says his wife
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2022.04.17 06:37
  • 수정 2022.04.17 06:37
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It's been three years since Julian Assange was imprisoned. Advocates say it's time to let him go
A supporter of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange held a banner outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London on Wednesday. /REUTERS
A supporter of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange held a banner outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London on Wednesday. /REUTERS

The continued imprisonment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a “criminal act”, his wife has said.

Stella Assange was speaking on the third anniversary of her husband being dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

He has since been held in Belmarsh prison in the capital while the US seeks his extradition on espionage charges, which he has always denied.

The UK is imprisoning a publisher on behalf of the foreign power who conspired to murder him.

Protests were held across the world on Sunday in support of Assange, while slogans were projected on to buildings in London calling for his release.

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Stella Assange [Independent]
Stella Assange after her wedding ceremony with the WikiLeaks founder. [Independent]

Stella Assange told the PA news agency: “The UK Government could end Julian’s imprisonment at any time by obeying its treaty obligations.

"The US extradition request violates the US-UK extradition treaty Article 4, which prohibits extraditions for political offences. The UK Government can and should obey the word of the treaty and put an end to the extradition process once and for all."

Julian’s incarceration and extradition process is an abuse in itself.

“He faces 175 years buried alive in a US hellhole for publishing true information in the public interest, exposing the crimes and killing of innocent people by the country that wants him to spend the rest of his life in prison.

“The UN special rapporteur on torture has found that Julian has been subjected to psychological torture.

“Senior US officials have reportedly confirmed White House and CIA plans to assassinate him on UK soil during the Trump administration.

“The UK is imprisoning a publisher on behalf of the foreign power who conspired to murder him.

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“There is no way of concealing any more that Julian is the victim of a vicious political persecution.

His continued imprisonment is not only a national disgrace, it is a criminal act.”

John Shipton is a passionate campaigner for free speech and human rights. [The Independent]
John Shipton is a passionate campaigner for free speech and human rights. [The Independent]

The Italian journey of John Shipton, father of Julian Assange, in the last week of March 2022, turned into a lucid series of masterclasses capable of capturing – in an admirable synthesis – everything that we can say about our age. And, in particular, about the obscure impasse that characterises it. Namely, the fact that we have fallen into an abyss in which trampling on the fundamental rights of the human being has become common practice on the part of states.

Invited by the Italian political magazine MicroMega, the Fondazione Lelio e Lili Basso, the cultural association Filosofia in Movimento and the Centre for the Reform of the State, John Shipton made his way into Rome, finding the city more aware of the reality of the Assange case than it was in November 2019, the date of his last journey to Italy.

His first conference, held on 25 March, was attended not only by scholars and journalists but also by activists from the groups that have emerged in recent years in support of Assange's release.

The anti-COVID rules did not allow a large attendance. Still, the association Free Assange Italia sent its representatives and the group Italians for Assange participated in promoting the event through its social channels.

The fight for Julian Assange's freedom goes on in the face of Western intransigence, writes Dr John Jiggens.

Sketch of Julian Assange. [BBC]
Sketch of Julian Assange. [Reuter=Yonhap]

The event, entitled ‘Rights, information and democracy: The Assange case’, saw John Shipton touch on the philosophical and human sensibilities of the audience with a speech focused on what he defined as “a brief list of the magnificent civil creations of the peoples of the world since the catastrophe of 1945”. These intellectual achievements correspond to the system of human rights.

Shipton recalled the critical moments in its development, starting with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, passing through the Refugee Convention and the Geneva Conventions, with a first draft outlined in 1864 and then further elaborated after WWII.

Finally, the father of the WikiLeaks editor referred to the principles and norms produced within the Council of Europe, the continent's most prominent institution in the field of human rights (a reality much broader than the European Union, which includes both states that are part of it and others that are not).

With simplicity and kindness, Shipton drew for the audience of MicroMega and Fondazione Basso a map through those non-negotiable principles that represent the most precious conquest that humanity has been able to create in order to describe in letters of fire, after the Second World War, what must not happen anymore and what must be assured to a human being in order to achieve harmonious development for the individual and the whole society.

In front of an attentive audience, Shipton then got to the sore point:

We witness today a collapse – exemplified by the Julian Assange case – into lawless barbarity. Each and every one of those [achievements in the field of human rights] has been abandoned in its wholeness by the author states. The United Kingdom now considers abandoning human rights legislation and instituting what they call a ‘Bill of Rights’. The states now began to introduce legislation based on what is called the ‘common good’ and that common good is decided not by law but by the state's preferences.

Through Shipton's words, Italian scholars and reporters were thus able to observe the deep relationship between the Assange case and such a “transition to the dark side” in recent years. If this dangerous detachment from once non-negotiable principles had not occurred, it would not be possible to have a journalist arbitrarily detained for embarrassing the world's governments by revealing their crimes.

The first conference of Julian Assange's father in Rome thus ends with an appeal for a “renewal of the United Nations” with a return to the rule of law.

Free Assange Campaign. [AP=Yonhap]
Free Assange Campaign. [AP=Yonhap]

Shipton said:

“We need a new beginning where we can ensure that the relationships between states, the relationships between a state and the people, and the relationships between a state and the individuals will again be covered by the law.”

Shipton's message reads the present with lucidity and points out the cause of Assange's imprisonment – and many other evils on the planet – in the absence of legal certainty.

The following day, John Shipton set off for Frascati, a town near Rome that hosts an international educational institution known for its excellence in the field of humanities, the Accademia Vivarium Novum.

Bringing together some of the world's leading experts in Latin and ancient Greek, it focuses the education of its students on the two classical languages and music. The atmosphere is that of a temple of knowledge. There, Italian Senator Gianni Marilotti – a long-standing supporter of the battle to free Assange – organised a talk to make young students aware of the WikiLeaks case and its relationship with the right to know and democracy.

Reminding the students that all the facts revealed by WikiLeaks are actual and nobody disputes their truthfulness, Marilotti said that “other people were those who lied”. For example, former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair.

WikiLeaks / The Independent



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