[Focus] World First Commercial Metaverse ’JFlex World’ to Be Launched
[Focus] World First Commercial Metaverse ’JFlex World’ to Be Launched
  • Kang Hye Won, Reporter
  • 승인 2022.04.22 23:06
  • 수정 2022.04.22 07:45
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’JFlex World’ Will Commence Its Service Encompassing Entertainment, Business, Sports, Pets and Games in the Second Half of This Year
  World First Commercial Metaverse ‘J Flex World’/Copyright JFW
  World First Commercial Metaverse ‘J Flex World’ ⓒ JFW

A ‘commercial metaverses’ is coming.

The commercial metaverse that combines the virtual reality ‘metaverse’ developed so far around games, virtual real estate investment and friends with entertainment and even a global business model is soon officially launched. 

JFlex Uni (CEO Kim Hee-woo) plans to launch a comprehensive metaverse that not only hosts metaverse idol’s concerts but also provides almost limitless platforms for sports, games and pets. 

In this metaverse to be named the ‘JFlex World’, particularly, companies will be able to sell their competitive products directly to other companies or consumers at home and abroad.

URL of [JFlex Uni] www.jflexuni.com [BTSC] https://www.btschain.io/

The JFlex World will be the first metaverse model to present itself as a comprehensive commercial metaverse in the world.

CEO Mr. Kim explained, “Facebook is changing its business areas to metaverse with such efforts as changing its name to ‘Meta’ and so on, but because of its inherent limitation as a social networking platform, its growth is impeded. However, a ‘commercial metaverse’, which is built around a business model, will keep growing.”

JFlex plans to make BTSC coins as an official currency within the ‘JFlex World’, and to diversify businesses linked to NFT. 

For the launch of the commercial metaverse, J Flex has been making partnerships with various specialist companies and organizations.

JFlex signed an MOU for metaverse contents production with a US global entertainment company Code One Entertainment on April 7. 

Code One Entertainment will be in charge of distribution of sound sources and VOD, concert planning and production, contents production and global marketing within the JFlex World platform.

On the occasion of the MOU on the construction of the metaverse production platform, the two companies plan to attract global consumers with various contents such as K-Pop and global musician concerts in combination with state-of-the-art IT.

  ‘Snowpiercer’ produced by Lee Tae-hun, CEO of Opus Pictures, which agreed on a metaverse business partnership with J Flex UNI. ⓒ JFW
  ‘Snowpiercer’ produced by Lee Tae-hun, CEO of Opus Pictures, which agreed on a metaverse business partnership with JFlex Uni. ⓒ JFW

Both companies will host a large scale concert of a US pop musician to celebrate the opening of the ‘J Flex World’ in October.
JFlex also signed an MOU for production of metaverse contents with Opus Pictures (CEO Lee tae-hun), producer of films and dramas. 

CEO Lee Tae-hun of Opus Pictures who first gained a reputation with ‘Lay Vengeance’ has been producing or investing in the production of ‘A Frozen Flower’, ‘Jeon Woo-chi’, ‘The Man from Nowhere’, ‘Cold Eyes’, ‘Snowpiercer’ and ‘The Priests’.

Opus Pictures is currently planning and producing various films and dramas including the drama version of ‘The Man from Nowhere’, and will conduct planning, production and marketing of these contents through the J Flex World platform. 

CEO Mr. Lee said, “As many production companies need to participate in film and drama platforms, we expect to create works with a high degree of completion within a short time frame while communicating and collaborating with the experts needed for production within the metaverse.”

It is expected that the production of K-films and dramas in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution combining the state-of-the-art IT and film industry shall be activated on the occasion of this agreement on the metaverse production platform construction. 

J Flex UNI (CEO, Kim Hee-woo) signs business agreements on netaverse and NFT issuance with specialist companies and organizations in many areas. Pictures on the upper row from left, Opus Pictures and Code One Entertainment, lower row from left, Stock Invest Korea, and Korea Kennel Federation. ⓒ JFW
JFlex Uni(CEO, Kim Hee-woo) signs business agreements on netaverse and NFT issuance with specialist companies and organizations in many areas. Pictures on the upper row from left, Opus Pictures and Code One Entertainment, lower row from left, Stock Invest Korea, and Korea Kennel Federation. ⓒ JFW

Idol goods will be available to buy in the JFlex World. Stock Invest Korea (CEO, Jin Hun and Jeon Byeong-cheol), J Flex UNI (CEO, Kim Hee-woo) and JF Global (CEO, Jo Jun-hee) signed a business agreement for the distribution and sales of idol goods using the metaverse NFT platform.

Stock Invest Korea is a specialist company that operates LOLS, a premium goods specialist shopping mall which deals with domestic idol goods. It sells BTS Butter masks, NCT Dream Mernel cosmetics and actor Park Hae-jin Botalinum ampule cosmetics, and plans to launch more items including Seventeen x wet tissues.

This company agreed to create a synergy with the metaverse operator, JFlex Uni and the platform company, JF Global through authorizing them to purchase, distribute and sell the idol goods on the metaverse platform and utilizing the maximum competence of the two companies. 

  ‘LOLS’ shop, an idol goods shopping mall operated by Stock Invest Korea. ⓒ JFW
  ‘LOLS’ shop, an idol goods shopping mall operated by Stock Invest Korea. ⓒ JFW

A JFlex Uni official revealed, "With this business agreement between the two companies, new licensed goods planned and developed by Stock Invest Korea in the second half of this year will be linked with the metaverse digital character IP business of J Flex and JF Global" and "We expect the distribution and sales of goods will be activated and expanded to the global market through the issuance of NFTs for new goods and the platform within the metaverse".

In the JFlex World, a 'cyber hall of fame' will also be built to preserve the sportsmanship and honor of the Korean national team players forever.

In this cyberspace, sports stars will communicate with their fans and focus on nurturing future dreams.

JFlex is also pushing for the issuance of NFT of sports stars. The first person is Han Min-soo, the coach of the national para ice hockey team, who is considered one of the main players of 'human victory' in the sports world. Coach Han's NFT is sold not only on the the J Flex World marketplace, but also on global exchanges such as Opensea. The company explained, "In the hopes of encouraging the disadvantaged, Han Min-soo, the coach of para ice hockey, was selected as the first NFT issuer." 

‘J Flex World’ English site/ Courtesy of JFW
‘J Flex World’ English site. ⓒ JFW

The population with dogs in Korea is 15 million, and the related market size is reaching 7 trillion won a year. J Flex has a strategy of activating the metaverse as a place for dog and pet lovers.

To that end, the company recently signed a metaverse and NFT business agreement with the Korea Kennel Federation (President Song Ha-kyung).

Through this agreement, the breed registry by the Korea Kennel Federation will be issued as NFT. This is the first time in the world that the breed registry is issued as NFT.

Both parties will cooperate in various aspects for events such as dog shows and pet dog events in connection with the metaverse platform for eventual mutual development.

A company official said, “We will provide the technical assistance for events such as the online dog show planned as this year’s pilot project of the Korea Kennel Federation, and endeavor in developing new contents that can be enjoyed by many pet lovers, eventually contributing to the development of pet culture in Korea.”

JFlex Uni and the Korea Kennel Federation plan to discuss cooperation with the FCI to enable 2 billion pet lovers in the world to exchange in the metaverse in the future.

[WikiLeaks Korea = Kang Hye Won]



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