[Purely Korean-Developed New Drug ‘Fexuclue Tablet’] Gastroesophageal reflux disease..How effective is it
[Purely Korean-Developed New Drug ‘Fexuclue Tablet’] Gastroesophageal reflux disease..How effective is it
  • Kim Sun, Reporter
  • 승인 2022.07.06 13:43
  • 수정 2022.07.06 13:43
  • 댓글 0
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[Courtesy of Daewoong Pharmaceutical]
[Courtesy of Daewoong Pharmaceutical]

As Daewoong Pharmaceutical launched ‘Fexuclue tablet (fexuprazan hydrochloride)’, a drug for gastroesophageal reflux disease on July 1st, the 34th new drug developed in Korea was born.

Fexuclue tablet is a new drug entirely developed in Korea by Daewoong Pharmaceutical with its own technology from the development of the target material to the whole R&D process.

This tablet can be taken regardless of meals due to its stable efficacy. The rapid rise of its market shares is expected in a short period of time while satisfying the unmet needs for existing proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

Unlike existing PPIs, it binds to the proton pump without activation by gastric acid, which results in rapid and stable inhibition of gastric acid secretion. It was confirmed through clinical trials that the symptoms of mucosal defects, heartburn, and chronic cough in the treated patients had been improved.

In addition, Fexuclue is a potassium-competitive acid blocker (P-CAB) reversibly blocking the proton pump that secretes gastric acid from the stomach wall.

Compared with existing drugs, it has the advantages of rapid onset of drug effect, fast and excellent symptom improvement, night time symptom improvement, convenience in medication, low drug interaction, and consistency in the efficacy.

44% of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease experience nocturnal acid breakthrough (NAB). Fexuclue tablet has the longest half-life of 9 hours among the PPIs as well as the P-CABs, and thus demonstrated that the rate of improvement of chest pain at night is remarkably high.

Fexuclue tablet has little interaction with other drugs, which makes it convenient to use, and there is little difference in its efficacy between individuals.

Daewoong Pharmaceutical plans to quickly launch Fexuclue tablet in the global market.

Accordingly, the company has achieved technology exports worth 1.1 trillion won to 15 countries around the world, including the U.S. and China.

The company completed application for product licenses in eight countries including Brazil, and further plans to narrow the gap between domestic launch and global market entry in the future.

CEO Lee Chang-jae said, "The Fexuclue tablet is the result of Daewoong Pharmaceutical’s long-standing R&D for new drug development in Korea", and "It will satisfy the unmet needs for PPI drugs due to rapid drug efficacy and the inhibition of gastric acid secretion at night thanks to a long half-life".

[WIKI KOREA=Kim Sun, Reporter]


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