An Analyst's 2Q Operating Profit Forecast Is Absurd’, Hanmi Pharmaceutical Released Financial Results in Advance
An Analyst's 2Q Operating Profit Forecast Is Absurd’, Hanmi Pharmaceutical Released Financial Results in Advance
  • Kim Sun, Reporter
  • 승인 2022.07.19 09:55
  • 수정 2022.07.19 09:55
  • 댓글 0
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Second quarter operating profit, 29.6 billion won, Up 86.2% YOY…Sales revenue 316.5 billion won.
[Courtesy of Hanmi Pharmaceutical]
[Courtesy of Hanmi Pharmaceutical]

Hanmi Pharmaceutical announced the second quarter operating profit of 2022 was 29.6 billion won, which increased year-on-year by 86.2%, on July 18. The sales revenue during the same period was 316.5 billion won, which increased by 13.3%.

The net profit was recorded to be 23.1 billion won, an increase by 178.3%. The second quarter R&D investment was 41.8 billion won.

Hanmi Pharmaceutical explained, “We originally planned to disclose the interim results at the end of July, but today a security firm released an analyst report containing an absurd 2Q operating profit forecast, which caused a market turmoil. So, we inevitably had to advance the release of our results.”

In relation to these results, the company said, “Incrementally modified drugs or composite drugs such as Amozaltan family and Rosuzet tablets developed in-house have grown consistently, and the good results of our Chinese branch, Hanmi Pharmaceutical Beijing, having grown steeply since last year, contributed considerably.”

Hanmi Pharmaceutical has been ranked at top in the domestic outpatient prescription market for four consecutive years since 2018. This year, it is also expected to defend its top position in the outpatient prescription market based on its consistent growth.

In the second quarter, its Chinese branch, Hanmi Pharmaceutical Beijing recorded consolidated sales of 78.6 billion won (up 32% year-on-year), an operating profit of 17.1 billion won (up 99%), and a net profit of 16.4 billion won (up 138%).

Hanmi Pharmaceutical Beijing has been maintaining the 100% operating rate of the syrup formulation factory, expanded last year in a pre-emptive move, which supported the solid first half results.

An official from Hanmi Pharmaceutical Beijing explained, “The timely expansion of facilities and supply of products just in time for the respiratory patients’ rapidly increasing demand for cold medicines in China is a major factor in the growth of earnings in the second quarter following the first quarter.”

[WIKI KOREA=Kim Sun, Reporter]

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