[Stillen Tablet 20 Years] How Can It Stay on Top of the Market Share for Gastritis Treatment?
[Stillen Tablet 20 Years] How Can It Stay on Top of the Market Share for Gastritis Treatment?
  • Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter
  • 승인 2022.12.06 01:15
  • 수정 2022.12.06 01:15
  • 댓글 0
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[Photo courtesy of Dong-A ST]
[Photo courtesy of Dong-A ST]

‘Stillen Tab’, a natural product gastritis drug, celebrated its 20th anniversary in the Korean market.

Stillen tablet was launched in December 2002 as a natural product gastritis drug, which had been developed with Dong-A ST's own technology.

It has efficacy and efectiveness in improving gastric mucosal lesions caused by acute and chronic gastritis and preventing gastritis caused by administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Stillen tablet is the only original gastric mucosal protective drug developed in-house.

Dong-A ST explained that 4,513.55 million Stillen tablets have been prescribed, and its cumulative sales of 853.3 billion won recorded over the past 20 years based on its efficacy and effectiveness, and active academic activities.

In 2004, three years after its release, Stillen tablet recorded sales of 17.7 billion won, entering the ranks of blockbusters. Since then, it has maintained its No. 1 market share (based on UBIST) in the gastric mucosal protective agent market.

Don-A ST has been working to improve patients' medication adherence of Stillen tablet.

In 2005, the existing hard capsule dosage forms were changed to tablets, and in 2016, the daily doses were reduced from three to two when ‘Stillen 2X tablets’ applying patented floating technology was launched.

Dong-A ST went further, reducing the length and weight of Stillen tablet and Stillen 2X tablet and changing the shape from rectangular to round, which once again improved patients’ medication adherence.

Mr. Kim Seong-jin, chief Stillen PM, said, “I am grateful to everyone who confirmed the effectiveness and safety of Stillen as a synonym of gastritis treatment. We will continue to strive for a better life of patients through continuous research on Stillen for the next 20 years as well.”

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter]


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