[WikiLeaks] Treatment of Julian Assange ‘inhuman and cruel’, wife says
[WikiLeaks] Treatment of Julian Assange ‘inhuman and cruel’, wife says
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.04.28 05:30
  • 수정 2023.04.28 05:30
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Free Assange Campaign /AP
Free Assange Campaign /AP

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has spent four years mostly inside his UK maximum-security prison cell for a case his wife Stella describes as '99% politics and 1% law', and the divide between the rich and poor in Sydney grows ever wider.

The treatment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is “inhuman and cruel”, according to his wife Stella, as the Australian continues to languish in a UK maximum-security prison. The New Daily reports he spends most of his time in his cell in Belmarsh prison in London, and has done so for more than four years since he was dragged out of the Ecuadorian embassy.

Stella says her husband has seen criminals convicted for armed crimes come and go from the prison during his time there, described as one of the longest stint of any inmate. Adviser to the Assange campaign Greg Barns SC told Crikey last week that it was dismal the government condemns Russia for detaining Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich (more on this via CNN) without taking strident action to get our own journalist home.

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange supporters hold placards as they gather outside Westminster Magistrates court in London on Wednesday.    /AP=Yonhap
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange supporters hold placards as they gather outside Westminster Magistrates court in London on Wednesday. /AP=Yonhap

Quick reminder of the Assange facts: in 2010, WikiLeaks released more than 750,000 classified US military documents, including nearly 400,000 US army-filed reports, dubbed the Iraq War Logs, which detailed 66,000 civilian deaths out of 109,000 recorded deaths during the Iraq War, as Oxford student paper Cherwell reminds us. In 2012, Assange moved into the Ecuadorian embassy, but after WikiLeaks reported on the alleged corruption of then-Ecuadorian president Lenìn Moreno, as Reuters delves into, the Met police were invited in.

Assange was charged with breaching bail in the UK, and espionage in the US. The Americans have been trying to extradite him ever since. Stella told the student paper the case was “99% politics and 1% law”, adding that her surveillance camera catches people sitting in cars in civilian clothing with their headlights on all night, leafing through reports about her husband.

Stella Morris the wife of Julian Assange talks to the media outside Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, in April 2022. [Morning Star]
Stella Morris the wife of Julian Assange talks to the media outside Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, in April 2022. [Morning Star]
'Free Wikileaks founder Julian Assange' in London on February 22, 2020 /AFP=Yonhap
'Free Wikileaks founder Julian Assange' in London on February 22, 2020 /AFP=Yonhap
Persecusion of Julian Assange. /Pressenza
Persecusion of Julian Assange. /Pressenza
Free Assange Campaign. DW
Free Assange Campaign. DW



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