Sericare, NFT contract for healing program with Datacitywemarket
Sericare, NFT contract for healing program with Datacitywemarket
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.05.19 08:00
  • 수정 2023.05.19 05:10
  • 댓글 0
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Sericare signs a contract to provide a solution for cancer healing in the Datacitywemarket NFT Marketplace
Issuance of vouchers for Unbije, a natural anti-cancer drug, as an NFT called 'Mian' for the convenience of foreigners' payment

Sericare CEO Sam Lee (left) and Datacitywemarket CEO Jang Jin-woo (right) are signing a business agreement to provide a global solution program for cancer patients.
Sericare CEO Sam Lee (left) and Datacitywemarket CEO Jang Jin-woo (right) are signing a business agreement to provide a global solution program for cancer patients.

Sericare (CEO: Sam Lee), located in Singapore, signed a business agreement with Datacitywemarket (CEO: Jin-Woo Jang) and said it would provide a solution program for cancer patients' healing in the Datacitywemarket NFT marketplace 'Metacians'.

There are three cancer solution programs of Jowin, which Sericare acts as an overseas agent, including Unbije (English name: Micacine), which directly affects cancer treatment for terminal cancer patients, HiB&D, cancer treatment supplements including sulforaphane which helps boost immunity and mind healing meditation program.

The cancer solution program of partner Jowin, which induces the prolonging of life and improvement of the quality of life of terminal cancer patients, is provided based on the global cancer patient counseling app 'Cancer Away', which will be launched in June.
Sericare plays a role in providing cancer patients around the world with solution packages such as Unbije, a natural anti-cancer drug based on prescriptions by oriental medicine doctors, and protein for the nutritional balance of cancer patients, through Jowin's remote counseling platform. Unbije is a non-toxic herbal medicine developed using the mineral sericite, a natural mineral from a mine owned by partner Jowin, and is registered as a herbal medicine in the Korean Pharmacopoeia. Abroad, it is recognized as an edible mineral or natural mineral and has the advantage of being easy to export and localize. 

In addition to Unbije, which is a natural anticancer drug, for a non-face-to-face mind healing and meditation program that plays a very important role in the prognosis of cancer patients, in March, Jowin hired meditation instructors from the Korea Singing Bowl Association as Cancer Away's counselors (Cansultant: Cancer + Consultant) and is currently conducting a training course specializing in psychological healing for cancer patients.

Before the launch of Jowin's global cancer counseling platform (CancerAway), Sericare issues an exchange voucher called 'Mian' as an NFT for the convenience of payment and remittance for overseas cancer patients when purchasing Jowin's solution. In addition, it was decided to issue a Jowin stock exchange voucher called 'Joan' as an NFT and promote a global distribution business so that foreigners can easily purchase shares of Jowin, which has already signed a contract with Shinhan Investment & Securities.

Sericare, as an overseas sole distributor partner of Jowin (CEO Ryu Yeon-jung) in Korea, not only plays a role in globalizing all cancer treatment know-how of Jowin but also carries out a business to bring overseas cancer patients into Korea through medical tourism.

Sam Lee, CEO of Sericare, said, "In the reality where there is no cure for terminal cancer patients, starting with this agreement, many cancer patients around the world, including Asia, will provide cancer solutions through Sericare's NFT, expanding the fuse of life extension." expressed confidence.

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