Reunions of families separated by Korean war met finally in NK, Mount Kumgang
Reunions of families separated by Korean war met finally in NK, Mount Kumgang
  • Lee Kyung Ah
  • 승인 2018.08.20 16:37
  • 수정 2018.08.20 16:37
  • 댓글 0
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The reunions of families from South Korea left for a Mount Kumgang resort to attend on the event to meet missing families in North Korea on Aug. 20, 2018.[Yonhap]
The reunions of families from South Korea left for a Mount Kumgang resort to attend on the event to meet missing families in North Korea on Aug. 20, 2018.[Yonhap]

A first batch of South Korean arrived in North Korea Monday to attend the reunions event for families separated by the 1950-53 Korean war. 

A group of 89 elderly South Korean who were selected to reunite with their North Korean families from Monday to Wednesday stayed in the Hanwha Resort, Sockcho, Gangwan Province early in the morning. 

"They embarked on a trip to North Korea around 8:30 a.m. in 27 buses from Hanwha Resort in South Korea and were briefed on protocols and procedures for this event throughout Sunday as well," the South’s Ministry of Unification said.

“I slept before 9pm last night and woke up at around 3 in the morning,” said Shin Jong-ho, one of the elderly persons who left for a Mount Kumgang resort to attend on the event . 

“This is my last opportunity to meet my nephew,” said Lee Kwan-joo, 93 years old, who was born in Pyongyang and separated from his older brother during the war. 

The elderly and another people including those who in wheelchairs or supported by their accompanying families participated at Kumgangsan Resort on the eastern coast of North Korea. The first session of reunions event began at 3 p.m. 

The families who met from North and South Korea are going to have face-to-face meeting in granted time for 11 hours during three-day until Wednesday. 

The held reunions event for separated families was leaded as part of the agreement between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and  North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the landmark April summit.

The two Koreas technically remain at war as the Korean War ended only with an armistice, not a peace treaty.

[WikiLeaks Korea= By Lee Kyung Ah]

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