Next Generation Connectivity: Samsung Makes 5G a Reality With Galaxy S10 5G Rollout Across Europe
Next Generation Connectivity: Samsung Makes 5G a Reality With Galaxy S10 5G Rollout Across Europe
  • Yelin Jung [WikiLeaks Korea]
  • 승인 2019.02.21 07:19
  • 수정 2019.02.21 07:19
  • 댓글 0
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Samsung Electronics today announced a range of new 5G operator partnerships that will see the rollout of Galaxy S10 5G across Europe this summer, bringing the future of mobile connectivity to European consumers today.

“With a long history of groundbreaking industry-firsts, Samsung is proud to be making 5G a reality for European consumers by collaborating with some of our most trusted operator partners to introduce Galaxy S10 5G to the market this summer,” said DJ Koh, President and CEO of IT & Mobile Communications Division at Samsung Electronics. “For over a decade, Samsung has spearheaded major advances in global connectivity, leveraging a heritage in visionary innovation and unrivalled expertise in hardware and services. These new mobile network partnerships reflect our deep commitment to ongoing open collaboration, so that we can continue to deliver meaningful innovations and unparalleled connectivity that will fundamentally change the way we work, communicate and consume content."

Partnering with major mobile network operators in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the UK, Galaxy S10 5G pioneers Samsung’s vision for global 5G network connectivity. Galaxy S10 5G users will be able to experience true 5G connectivity via the following operators:

– Deutsche Telekom

– EE

– Orange

– Sunrise

– Swisscom


– Telefonica

– Vodafone

“Deutsche Telekom is very excited to work together with Samsung as partner for the development of best in class 5G experience,” said Tim Hoettges, CEO of Deutsche Telekom AG.

“EE customers enjoy the UK’s best mobile experience today, and as leaders in 5G and converged smart networks we’ll be going even further to keep them connected wherever they go,” said Marc Allera, CEO of BT’s Consumer division. “We’ll be launching 5G across 16 UK cities this year with leading partners such as Samsung to give our customers the very best experience – providing the fastest and most reliable connection when they need it the most.”

“We’re proud of this new milestone in our partnership with Samsung,” said Stéphane Richard, Chairman and CEO at Orange Group.

“We welcome the availability of their first 5G device ready for European 5G networks,” said Nick Read, Vodafone Group CEO. “Vodafone is excited to partner again with Samsung at the start of the 5G era, working together to provide customers with the benefits of advanced speeds and great services from Vodafone’s 5G network during 2019.”

Committed to an open approach to collaboration and with major partnerships around the globe, Samsung is supported by leading global service providers to bring secure, trusted and powerful 5G connectivity to the region. Up to roughly 20 times faster than 4G, 5G on Galaxy S10 5G introduces hyper-fast streaming and download speeds, powerful mobile hot-spotting, 4K video calling and an elevated mobile gaming experience. The first-ever true 5G smartphone, Galaxy S10 5G champions a seamless and near-instantaneous mobile experience, delivering the next step in mobile connectivity today.

[WikiLeaks Korea=By Yelin Jung]

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