KT&G, to expand the Exclusive Product ‘MIIX’ with the Popularity of ‘lil HYBRID’ aiming at entering into the Global Market This Year
KT&G, to expand the Exclusive Product ‘MIIX’ with the Popularity of ‘lil HYBRID’ aiming at entering into the Global Market This Year
  • Kang Ji-Hyun / WikiLeaks Korea
  • 승인 2019.03.21 13:43
  • 수정 2019.03.21 13:43
  • 댓글 0
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‘lil HYBRID’ and E-Liquid Cartridge, Five types of Exclusive Stick ‘MIIX’
‘lil HYBRID’ and E-Liquid Cartridge, Five types of Exclusive Stick ‘MIIX’

KT&G (President: Baek Bok-in) announced that the sales volume of ‘lil HYBRID’ launched at the end of November last year reached 200,000 units in about 80 days after it was launched.

Starting with the sale in lil Flagship Store, ‘lil MINIMALIUM’ ‘lil HYBRID,’ launched on November 28 last year, has expanded its distribution network to convenience stores in Seoul on December 12 and six metropolitan cities nationwide, Sejong Self-governing City and 27 large provincial cities on January 4. Following that, it has been launched in all major convenience stores in all major cities nationwide all at once on January 23 and reached the accumulated sales of 200,000 units.

Expanding Customers’ Choice by launching Two New Products of ‘MIIX’

‘lil HYBRID’ is KT&G’s unique platform which is used by combining an e-liquid cartridge with a device. It has richer vapor than the existing heat-not-burn e-cigarettes and has increased the users’ satisfaction with its less steam taste and more convenient device cleaning.

‘MIIX,’ the exclusive stick for ‘lil HYBRID,’ is favorably received by the customers through its strengths, including differentiated flavor, smooth throat hit, sufficient smoking fulfillment, and cleanliness that the smell does not permeate the body.

Also, KT&G launched ‘MIIX FRENCH’ containing two unique and exotic tastes simultaneously and ‘MIIX ICE DOUBLE’ realizing the cool taste on March 6. Accordingly, two types of new products were added to the existing three types of ‘MIIX’ and five types of sticks exclusively for ‘‘lil HYBRID’ are selling.

KT&G official said, “With the additional launch of two new products, following MIIX, ICE, and PRESSO, the choice of the customers who pursue various preferences will be further widened” and added, “We are going to continue to come up with various new products corresponding to the customers’ needs in the future.”

The exclusive stick, ‘MIIX’ is priced at 4,500 won per pack, and lil HYBRID E-Liquid Cartridge is priced at 500 won per unit. With one e-liquid cartridge, one can smoke one pack of the exclusive stick.

‘lil HYBRID’ won the main prize in ‘iF Design Awards 2019’
‘lil HYBRID’ won the main prize in ‘iF Design Awards 2019’

 ‘lil HYBRID,’ has ‘global’ design

‘lil HYBRID’ won the main prize in ‘iF Design Awards 2019’ held in Germany last February. ‘iF Design Awards’ in Germany is one of the world’s top 3 design awards, with ‘IDEA’ in the U.S. and ‘Red Dot Design Awards’ in Germany.

The design of ‘lil HYBRID’ is ergonomic and practical. It has realized the best usability with an all-in-one structure considering the consumers’ usability and only one button to control all functions. In addition, the harmony of the body with a metal material and the soft top cap added exclusivity and sophistication.

KT&G is holding ‘discount and giveaway events celebrating the winning the prize at iF Design Awards.’ On the lil official homepage (www.its-lil.com), the customers can download ‘lil HYBRID 33,000 won discount coupon (150,000 persons).’ At ‘lil MINIMALIUM,’ accessory and prize lottery events are also held for the customers who purchase devices in March.

 ‘lil’ can contribute greatly to Exportation

KT&G aims at entering into the global market this year with ‘lil.’ Product Innovation Chief of KT&G, Im Wang-seop who developed ‘lil HYBRID’ and ‘MIIX’ said, “If ‘lil HYBRID’ can put up a good show in the Korean market since it is KT&G’s original product, it can also get settled as a global standard platform.” In addition, he added confidently, “If it enters into the overseas market, which is its goal for this year and gets a good result, it can contribute greatly to exportation.”

E-cigarette, ‘lil’ launched in November 2017, has already recorded the sale of one million units in one year after it was launched. Despite it is a second mover in the next generation e-cigarette market, it has grown up fast, while the differentiated taste of the exclusive stick, ‘fiit’ is recognized by the customers along with its ease of use. In addition, it seems that it can sufficiently prove its competitiveness in the global market as well, thanks to the recent success like the sale of 200,000 units of ‘lil HYBRID.’

lil MINIMALIUM’ Gangnam Branch
lil MINIMALIUM’ Gangnam Branch

Securities Industry expects an Easy First Quarter for KT&G

The securities industry too expects that KT&G will achieve a rally in stocks and improve sales performance based on its e-cigarette business.

Researcher of Hana Financial Investment, Shim Eun-ju predicted, “the service of ‘lil’ and ‘fiit’ to interests will expand.” She added, “There will be an effect on the improvement of ASP through domestic cigarette margin level-up and the increase of the quantity of e-cigarettes.” She kept her view of ‘buying’ at the target stock price and presented the target stock price, ‘143,000 won.’

Mentioning the continuous rise of e-cigarettes’ market share and margin, Researcher of DB Financial Investment, Cha Jae-heon said, “E-cigarettes’ market share in January reaches 30%, and it is expected that the sales performance will improve in the first quarter thanks to the improvement of profitability of e-cigarettes.” He kept his view of “buying” at the target stock price of 140,000 won.


‘lil HYBRID’ won the main prize at iF Design Awards


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