Korean Blockchain-based Data Processing Technology Arrive at China
Korean Blockchain-based Data Processing Technology Arrive at China
  • Chul Seung, Yang / Staff reporter
  • 승인 2020.01.21 17:40
  • 수정 2020.01.21 17:40
  • 댓글 0
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Anifan signed MOU with the Start-Up Support Center of Fudan University in China to Explores the Chinese Market
MOU signed by Anifan and the Start-Up Support Center of Fudan University, China on January 9.  [Courtesy of Anifan]
MOU signed by Anifan and the Start-Up Support Center of Fudan University, China on January 9. [Courtesy of Anifan]

Korea's own data technology (DT) lands on the grand continent of China.

A blossoming Korean DT firm Anifan announced on January 17 that it had signed a strategic MOU with the Start-Up Support Center of Fudan University, one of the three most prestigious universities in China to introduce DT and develop the market in China.

By this MOU, Anifan will provide its independently developed blockchain-based document management and security system 'Anicerti' to the Start-Up Support Center and hospital of Fudan University. The two institutions plan to manage the medical data of patients using the technology.

Fudan University Hospital is one of the largest general hospitals in China that has the main hospital in Shanghai and branches in 22 Provinces, and over 100 million patients per year visit this hospital. The blockchain application (Dapp), Anicerti, which does not allow counterfeiting and modification of data fundamentally will be used to protect and manage the vast amount of data from these patients.

In addition, Anifan and the Fudan University Start-Up Support Center agreed on the collaboration for the expansion of blockchain technology into the entire area of China with this project as the beginning.

Fudan University, China [Courtesy of Baidu]
Fudan University, China [Courtesy of Baidu]

Mr. Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan explained, "There have been cases of Korean blockchain-based DT firms' MOU with China, but most of them failed to materialize without any achievement," and "This MOU is differentiated in containing a specific clause that Anicerti will be applied to the Fudan University Start-Up Support Center and Fudan University Hospital preferentially."

Mr. Lee added, "On January 9, we also signed an MOU with the Qishi Hospital at Chongqing, China on the application of Anifan's DT," and "We will concentrate our core competences on the development of the DT market in China with these two achievements as a foothold."

Anicerti is an anti-counterfeiting and certification system utilizing strong security of the Etherium-based cryptocurrency 'New Friend Coin (NFRD)' and the blockchain network. This is a service utilizing the characteristics of blockchain that do not allow counterfeiting and modification of data, and the block structure of Etheriuim that enables the data registration.

Mr. Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan and Wang Chunli, the representative of Chongqing Qichi Hospital have a photo session after signing an MOU.
Mr. Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan and Wang Chunli, the representative of Chongqing Qichi Hospital have a photo session after signing an MOU.

[WikileaksKorea=Chul Seung, Yang]


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