Which Domestic and Global Pharmaceutical Companies Are Most Trusted by Doctors?

“Hanmi Pharmaceutical trusted by 18%, top”, 177.9 billion won invested in R&D ‘Pfizer Korea’ chosen in the category of global pharma.

2023-03-20     Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter

Doctors’ authority in the medical field is absolute. It is because they have the right of prescription of drugs. Therefore, pharmaceutical companies establish various marketing strategies to gain their trust.

Then, which pharmaceutical companies do doctors trust the most? The results of such a survey came out, which are indeed interesting.

On March 20, the Korea Medical Association's bulletin, ‘Doctor’s News’, reported that Hanmi Pharmaceutical is the most trusted pharmaceutical company. The survey was conducted from March 6 to 10, and a total of 201 doctors participated.
17.6% of the participants answered they trusted Hanmi Pharmaceutical.  

Last year, Hanmi Pharmaceutical invested 177.9 billion won, or 13.4% of total sales revenue, in R&D. This is said to be the largest amount invested by any Korean pharmaceutical companies.

Total sales revenue was 1.3317 trillion won, operating profit 157 billion won, and net profit 95.7 billion won. Sales grew 10.7% year-on-year, while operating profit and net profit grew 25.2% and 17.4%, respectively.

Last year, the company achieved 789.1 billion won in outpatient prescription sales, ranked at first in such a category in Korea for the fifth consecutive year.

This year too, Hanmi Pharmaceutical plans to achieve sustainable growth through in-house developed products and to invest heavily in R&D for the future.

Pfizer Korea was chosen as the most trusted global pharmaceutical company by doctors.

Last year, Pfizer Korea became the first to exceed 3 trillion won in annual sales among global pharmaceutical companies having entered Korea. It was considered owing to a special impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Supply of vaccines has explosively increased in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Indeed, purchases of products including COVID vaccines from the US headquarters amounted to 2.9714 trillion won. The cumulative surplus reached 425.6 billion won.
It is reported that the U.S. headquarters will recoup the surplus of Pfizer Korea through capital reduction with refund or dividend.

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter]