트럼프 선거운동본부 '위키리크스, 해킹 이메일 공개 책임 없다'

Trump campaign claims WikiLeaks not liable for releasing hacked emails

2018-10-13     최정미 기자

'위키리크스는 단순히 보도한 역할을 한 것에 불과하기 때문에 러시아 해킹 이메일 공개에 책임이 없다.' (트럼프 선거운동본부)

지난 2016년말 미국 대선 당시 수천 건의 힐러리 이메일 해킹 내용을 위키리크스가 보도했던 것과 관련, 로버트 뮐러 특검이 러시아 군 정보기관과 당시 트럼프 대선 진영 간의 결탁 가능성을 파헤치는 수사를 하고 있다. 이같은 상황에서 트럼프 선거운동본부가 민사 소송 관련 문서를 통해 위키리크스는 구글이나 페이스북처럼 단순히 제3자 입장의 보도 플랫폼이기 때문에 러시아가 해킹한 이메일을 공개한 것에 책임이 없다고 주장했다고 가디언이 11일(현지시간) 보도했다.

트럼프 선거운동본부는 문서를 통해 트럼프 측과 위키리크스 간의 이메일 공개에 관한 어떤 협의도 없었다고 말했다. 이들은 위키리크스의 이메일 공개는 위법행위가 아니라고 지적했다. 이 문서는 트럼프 선거운동 본부를 대상으로 제기한 두 명의 힐러리 후원자와 전직 민주당 직원의 민사 소송에 대한 대응 문서로 작성된 것이다.

트럼프 선거운동본부의 이같은 위키리크스 변호 입장은 그동안 '위키리크스가 미국 정부를 타겟으로 삼고 무수한 비밀 문서들을 공개했다'고 비난해 온 미국의 공식 입장에서 확연히 벗어난 것이다. 전 CIA 국장이었던 마이크 폼페이오 국무장관은 위키리크스를 '미국을 위태롭게 하고 국가 안보에 손상을 입힌 <비정부 적대적 정보기관>'이라고 칭한 바 있으며 '러시아의 사주를 받았다'고 말하기도 했다.

이 소송 문서는 트럼프 정부의 관료들이나 선거운동본부의 사람들이 위키리크스의 이메일 공개와 관련됐다는 혐의에 대해 결국 어떻게 스스로를 변호할 길을 찾을 것인지를 잘 보여주는 것이라고 분석가들은 말하고 있다.

트럼프 진영의 입장은 미국의 수정헌법 제1조 '언론의 자유에 관한 조항' 하에, 비록 도난된 메일이라도, 도난에 가담한 것이 아니라면 정보를 공개할 권리가 있음을 보여주는 사례가 된다. 해킹된 자료들은 '중요한 공공의 관심사였다'고 트럼프 선거운동본부는 반론 문서를 통해 말했다.

트럼프 선거운동본부의 변호인들은 페이스북, 유튜브, 구글과 같은 대형 인터넷 회사들에게 이들의 플랫폼에 올려진 자료들과 관련한 소송에서 면책을 주는 미국의 ‘통신 품위법’으로 맞섰다.

이 법은 기본적으로 이러한 회사들을 단순 수동적 보도자들로 보고 있고, 트럼프 선거운동 본부는 위키리크스가 똑같은 법적 보호를 받아야 한다고 주장하고 있다.

‘제3자가 정보를 올릴 수 있는 포럼의 공간을 제공하는 웹사이트는 제3자가 올린 정보에 관한 책임이 없다. 위키리크스는 제3자가 콘텐츠를 올리기 위한 포럼을 제공한 것이기 때문에, 이메일 공개에 대하여 책임이 있을 수 없다’고 문서는 주장했다.


Trump campaign claims WikiLeaks not liable for releasing hacked emails

The Trump campaign argued in a legal filing that WikiLeaks could not be held liable for publishing emails that were stolen by Russian hackers ahead of the 2016 US election because the website was simply serving as a passive publishing platform on behalf of a third party, in the same way as Google or Facebook.

Questions about WikiLeaks’ publication of thousands of hacked emails, which it allegedly obtained following a plot by Russian military intelligence to steal the emails from Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic party, are at the heart of Robert Mueller’s criminal investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

The campaign also said in a legal filing that any alleged agreement between the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks to publish the emails could not have been a “conspiracy” because WikiLeaks’ decision to release the stolen emails was not an illegal act. The court filing was written in response to a civil lawsuit brought against the Trump campaign by two of Hillary Clinton’s donors and a former employee of the Democratic party.

The Trump campaign’s surprising defence of WikiLeaks marks a stark departure from official US policy, which has condemned the website for frequently targeting the US government and for publishing thousands of classified documents about covert policies.

Mike Pompeo, the former CIA director who now serves as Donald Trump’s secretary of state, has called WikiLeaks a “hostile non-state intelligence service” that put US lives at risk, damaged national security and was “abetted by state actors like Russia”.

Analysts say the legal filing is also significant because it hints at how officials in the Trump White House or individuals who served on the campaign may eventually seek to defend themselves against any criminal charges alleging that they conspired with WikiLeaks to release the emails.

The legal arguments suggest the Trump White House would argue WikiLeaks was not criminally liable for the release of the emails and that it therefore would not be a criminal conspiracy to work with the website on their release.

The filing also makes the case that, under the campaign’s first amendment right to free speech, it had the right to publish information – even if it was stolen – as long as it did not participate in the theft of the emails. The hacked materials were a matter of “significant public concern”, the filing said.

The 32-page legal filing, which argued that the civil case against the Trump campaign had no merit, was written by lawyers at the Jones Day law firm, where Don McGahn, the White House counsel, previously worked.

The Trump campaign is under close scrutiny by Mueller, but the legal filing was a response to a civil complaint that was filed by the two Clinton donors and a former employee of the Democratic National Committee whose emails were hacked.

In presenting its legal defence, the Trump campaign lawyers turned to a section of the Communications Decency Act, a law that in effect gives legal immunity to big internet companies – like Facebook, YouTube and Google – and protects them from being sued for materials that are published on their platforms. The law essentially calls those companies passive publishers, and the Trump campaign is arguing WikiLeaks ought to be offered the same legal protection.

“A website that provides a forum where ‘third parties can post information’ is not liable for the third party’s posted information … Since Wikileaks provided a forum for a third party (the unnamed ‘Russian actors’) to publish content developed by that third party (the hacked emails), it cannot be held liable for the publication,” the filing said.

Mueller’s recent indictment of 12 members of the Russian intelligence unit that allegedly stole the hacked materials paints a different picture of WikiLeaks’ role in the publication of the emails, as does a 2017 intelligence assessment of the hack. Mueller’s indictment stated that the Russian “conspirators” discussed the release of the stolen documents with a group it refers to as “Organization 1” – widely believed to be WikiLeaks – in order to “heighten their impact” on the 2016 US presidential election.

Ryan Goodman, the former special counsel of the Pentagon and co-editor of the Just Security blog, said Mueller’s recent indictment indicated that WikiLeaks had played an “active role” in producing the content and the timing of the content’s disclosure of stolen emails and documents.

“That fact, which was not known before, could significantly change the calculus as to whether they could claim immunity under the Communications Decency Act [Section 230] because they are no longer playing a passive role,” he said.
