미 정부, 줄리안 어산지 인도 공식 요청… 호주 경찰의 언론 급습, 어산지 사건 관련 의혹

US formally asks British government to hand over Julian Assange, official says

2019-06-12     최정미 기자

미국 정부가 영국 정부에 줄리안 어산지를 인도해줄 것을 공식 요청했다고 AP를 비롯한 주요 언론들이 11일(현지시간) 보도했다.

AP 등 언론들은 지난 4월 영국 경찰에 체포돼 교도소에 수감돼 있는 어산지에 대해 미국 정부가 인도해줄 것을 요구했다고 밝혔다. 어산지는 기존의 기소 건 외에 지난 달 방첩법 하에 미 법무부가 추가 17건의 기소장을 발부, 총 18건의 기소에 직면한 상황에 처해있다.

어산지에 대한 송환요청은 미 당국이 처음 어산지를 범죄자로 공식 지목한 이후로 예상된 일이었다.

어산지는 2012년부터 에콰도르의 정치적 망명 인정 하에 망명생활을 해왔던 런던 주재 에콰도르 대사관에서 지난 4월 쫓겨났다. 이어 바로 영국 경찰에 체포됐고, 보석규정 위반으로 50주형을 선고받고 현재 교도소에서 복역 중이다.

스웨덴 역시 성범죄 혐의와 관련해 어산지를 심문하려고 하고 있다. 성범죄에 대해서 어산지는 부인하고 있다.

어산지는 처음 매닝이 정부 컴퓨터 암호를 푸는 데 공조했다는 한 건의 혐의로 기소됐다.

법률 전문가들은 방첩법 하의 추가 기소들이 송환 절차를 더 느리고 복잡하게 만들 수 있다고 말했다. 영국 당국이 이 기소 사항들을 정치적 범죄로 보고 송환 면제를 생각할 수 있기 때문이다.

방대한 양의 기밀문서들을 어산지에게 전한 것으로 유죄 판결을 받고 군교도소에서 복역하던 중 당시 대통령 오바마에 의해 감형돼 7년만에 석방됐던 매닝은 대배심에서의 <위키리크스> 관련 증언을 거부해 현재 법정모독죄로 또 다시 수감됐다.

한편 최근 호주 연방경찰이 <ABC>의 시드니 지소와 <뉴스 코퍼레이션>의 저널리스트 애니카 스메서스트의 캔버라 자택을 급습한 것이 보도된 후, 이 두 사건이 줄리안 어산지와 관련있다는 <위키리크스>의 주장이 나왔다.

<위키리크스>의 편집장 크리스틴 흐라픈손은 이 두 사건이 어산지를 송환시키기 위한 미국 당국의 시도와 관련돼 있다고 주장하고 있다. 그는 ‘확실히 관련이 있다. 이는 국가안보 관련 보도를 하는 탐사보도 저널리스트들에 대한 똑같은 체계적인 공격이다’라고 말했다.

이번 급습은 2017년 <ABC>가 유출된 문서들을 바탕으로 호주 군인들이 아프가니스탄에서 불법적인 살인을 자행한 의혹을 보도한 것에 따른 것으로 전해지고 있다.

미국은 어산지에게 전직 미군 첼시 매닝과 공모해 국방부 컴퓨터에 침투, 기밀문서들을 입수하고 공개한 혐의를 씌우고 있다.

[위키리크스한국=최정미 기자]


Will Julian Assange be extradited to the US?

The Department of Justice charges WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in 18-count superseding indictment.

The U.S. is now formally asking the U.K. to hand over embattled WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, an official says.

The 47-year-old – who was evicted on April 11 from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he had been holed up since 2012 after Ecuador granted him political asylum – is the subject of a recent extradition request submitted by the U.S. government, a U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity told the Associated Press.

Assange faces an 18-count indictment that accuses him of soliciting and publishing classified information and of conspiring with former Army private Chelsea Manning to crack a Defense Department computer password.

That indictment, which includes Espionage Act charges, was issued by the Justice Department last month and is pending in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia.

Sweden also seeks him for questioning about an alleged rape, which Assange has denied.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is taken from court on May 1, where he appeared on charges of jumping British bail seven years ago, in London. (AP)

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is taken from court on May 1, where he appeared on charges of jumping British bail seven years ago, in London. (AP)
Assange was arrested by British police following his eviction in April and is currently serving a 50-week sentence for jumping bail.

WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy organization which Assange founded and for which he published multiple secret U.S. military cables regarding the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, previously has condemned the Ecuadorean and British governments for taking him into custody.

While, the head of Wikileaks claims raids on Australian journalists were linked to Julian Assange.

Last week, the ABC’s Sydney office and the Canberra home of News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst were raided by the Australian Federal Police.

Speaking in London overnight, Wikileaks Editor in Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson said the two cases were connected to US authorities’ attempt to extradited Assange over allegations of soliciting and publishing classified information and of conspiring with former Army private Chelsea Manning to crack a Defence Department computer password, The Australian reports.

“The link is obvious,” Mr Hrafnsson said.
“It is the chilling effect, it is sending a signal, it’s part of the same systemic attack on investigative journalists in reporting on national security issues.”

The raid came off the back of stories published by the ABC in 2017 alleging Australian soldiers may have carried out unlawful killings in Afghanistan, based on leaked Defence papers.

Mr Hrafnsson's allegation come as the US government formally submitted an extradition request to the UK for WikiLeaks founder, according to a US official, for him to face an 18-count indictment.

That indictment, which includes Espionage Act charges, was issued by the Justice Department last month and is pending in federal court in Alexandria, Virginia.

The extradition request had been expected ever since US authorities first announced a criminal case against Assange.

The 47-year-old Assange was evicted on April 11 from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he had been holed up since 2012 after Ecuador granted him political asylum.
He was arrested by British police and is currently serving a 50-week sentence for jumping bail in 2012.

Sweden also seeks him for questioning about an alleged rape, which Assange has denied.

Assange was initially charged with a single computer crime violation on allegations that he worked with Manning to crack a government password. Some legal experts have said the additional Espionage Act charges might slow or complicate the extradition process to the extent the UK views them as political offences and therefore exempt from extradition.

The US official spoke on condition of anonymity because the official wasn't authorised to speak publicly.

Manning, who spent seven years in a military prison for delivering a trove of classified information to Assange before having her sentence commuted by then-President Barack Obama, has been jailed for civil contempt in Virginia after refusing to testify before a grand jury investigating WikiLeaks.