[WIKI 프리즘] 어산지 변호인 제니퍼 로빈슨 "필요하다면 유럽재판소에 제소하겠다"

Q and A with Julian Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson

2020-10-22     최정미 기자

인디펜던트 오스트레일리아는 줄리안 어산지의 변호사 제니퍼 로빈슨과 어산지 사건의 의미와 현재 상황에 대한 단독 인터뷰 내용을 20일(현지시간) 보도했다.

로빈슨은 전에는 민주주의에 대해 심각하게 생각하지 않았지만, 런던에서 배낭매고 여행을 하던 소탈한 사람이던 어산지가 미국의 공공의 적 1호가 되고 세계적으로 영향력 있는 사람이 되는 것을 보고, 민주주의 안에서 정보의 가치와 정부가 우리에게 알려지기를 원하지 않는 정보의 중요성을 제대로 이해하게 됐다고 말했다.

그러면서 ‘위키리크스로 인해 알 수 있었던 전쟁범죄와 인권남용, 부패에 관한 정보를 생각했을 때, 우리가 뽑은 이들이 무슨 일을 하는 지 알 수 없다면, 민주주의는 진짜 무엇일까?’라고 덧붙였다.

2016년 미 대선 당시 어산지가 의도적으로 개인의 이익을 위해 트럼프를 도운 것이냐는 질문에 로빈슨은, 위키리크스가 선거기간 동안 트럼프에 대한 정보를 받았다면, 공개했을 것이며, 당시 민주당과 관련한 정보를 공개하지 않았다면, 클린턴을 도왔다는 비난을 받았을 수도 있다고 말했다. 또한 뉴욕타임즈같은 주류언론들도 받은 정보를 공개했을 것이라고 말했다. 그러면서 당시 위키리크스의 민주당 이메일 공개에 대해, 수정헌법제1조의 가장 강한 보호를 받을 자격이 주어지는 보도 가치가 있는 것임을 강조한 존 코엘틀 판사의 말을 인용했다.

현재 어산지 미국 송환 공판의 공식 일정은 다 끝났고 판결은 미 대선 이후인 내년 1월에 나오기로 돼 있다. 로빈슨 변호사는 판결이 어떻게 나오든 유럽재판소 제소 등 모든 방법을 동원해 항소할 준비가 돼 있다고 말했다.

로빈슨은 현재 어산지가 고도로 보안된 감옥에 수감돼 있는 힘든 상황에 있다고 말했다. 그는 어산지가 2010년 이후로 줄곧 10년 동안이나 제한된 상황에 놓여 있었다며, ‘저널리즘 상을 받고 노벨평화상 후보에 올랐던 사람이 지금 교도소에 수감돼 있고, 미국으로 송환되면 175년형을 맞게 된다’고 말했다. 그럼에도 어산지의 철학은 바뀌지 않았다고 했다.


어산지는 일반 수감자들과 달리 컴퓨터에 접근할 수 없어 종이에 메모하는 것만 가능하다고 한다. 로빈슨의 말에 따르면 법원에서 허락해 준 노트북으로 재판 관련 자료를 볼 수만 있고, 글쓰기가 기타 입력 작업은 못하도록 돼 있다. 따라서 변호팀이 재판 준비를 하기 위해 어산지와 제대로 접촉하기가 힘들다고 한다.

어산지의 건강상태에 대해 로빈슨은, 어산지가 에콰도르 대사관 건물에서 끌려 나오는 모습을 보고 많은 사람들이 충격을 받았지만, 자신은 어산지가 서서히 악화돼 가는 모습을 봐 왔기 때문에 놀랍지 않았다고 말했다. 

그러면서 민주주의 정부들이 어산지를 위협하는 방법에 대해 역사는 좋게 보지 않을 것이라고 말했다.

로빈슨은 과거 대니얼 엘스버그의 ‘펜타곤 문서’ 폭로 사건을 어산지 사건에 빗대어 이야기했다. 당시 닉슨 행정부는 엘스버그를 끌어 내리기 위해 불법 침입을 하는 등 권력을 남용했다. 지금은 사람들이 옳은 것이라고 인식하는 것에 엘스버그는 비난 받았지만, 베트남 전쟁에 관한 실상을 폭로한 그는 현재 영웅으로 바뀌었다. 그에게 닉슨 행정부가 쓴 전략은 그 사건을 미국에서 철회하기에 충분했다고 로빈슨은 말했다.

어산지 사건의 경우 어산지의 변호인들과 진료 의사들에 대한 불법 감청이 있었고, 이런 모든 모욕적인 행동들이 미국의 지시 하에 나온 것이라고 했다. 또한 트럼프 행정부는 에콰도르 대사관에서 어산지의 법적 자료들을 압수하기까지 했는데, 엘스버그는 어산지 재판이 닉슨 때와 같다고 말하지만, 재판은 기각되지 않고 계속되고 있다고 로빈슨은 주장했다.

과연 어산지를 노리는 것이 누구인 것이냐는 질문에 로빈슨은 스페인 민간보안업체 UC 글로벌의 사건을 이야기했다. 런던 주재 에콰도르 대사관의 보안을 맡았던 UC 글로벌 대표의 범죄사건에서, 트럼프의 친구이자 최고 후원자인 리조트 그룹 라스베이거스 샌즈 회장 셸던 아델슨이 이 스페인 업체에 어산지와 변호사들에 대한 정보를 모으고 미국으로 전달하라고 직접 지시한 것이 드러났다는 것을 로빈슨은 강조했다.

트럼프 이전에 오바마 행정부도 어산지를 기소하려고 했지만, 2013년 오바마 행정부는 언론 표현의 자유를 다루는 수정헌법 제1조에 관한 우려로 때문에 결국 기소하지 않았다. 그런데 트럼프 행정부는 그에 대한 우려가 전혀 없다고 로빈슨은 말했다.

그러면서 트럼프가 집권한 후, 위키리크스가 ‘볼트7(Vault 7)’이라는 제목으로 CIA에 관한 폭로를 했고, 2017년 4월 마이크 폼페이오가 위키리크스를 끌어내리고 어산지를 기소할 것이며, 수정헌법 제1조의 보호를 받지 못하도록 하겠다고 발표한 사실을 들었다. 그 다음 주에 제프 세션은 어산지를 기소하는 것에 우선을 두겠다고 말했다. 이후 트럼프 행정부는 어산지를 기소한 것이다.

어산지와 클린턴의 사이가 안 좋았냐는 질문에 로빈슨은, 어산지는 위키리크스의 임무이기 때문에 언론인으로서 정보를 공개한 것이고, 이에 따라 힐러리 클린턴이 국무장관으로 있었던 2010-2011년에 ‘부수적 살인’ 영상을 포함한 아프간/이라크 전쟁 자료와 미국의 외교전문들을 위키리크스에 게재한 것이라고 말했다.

그리고 위키리크스는 2016년 대선 때 클린턴의 대선운동에 관한 자료를 받아 공개했다. 또한 같은 기간 위키리크스는 CIA, 시리아, 사우디, 예멘, 감시 기술과 거래, 관타나모 수용소, 호주에서의 뇌물수수 은폐 등등의 방대한 자료들도 공개했다. 이러한 위키리크스의 폭로에 많은 권혁자들의 심기가 불편했다고 로빈슨은 말했다.

로빈슨은 트럼프가 어산지에게 사면을 제안한 사실에 대해서도 이야기했다.

민주당전국위원회 이메일의 정보원을 공개하는 것이 대가였는데, 이는 트럼프가 곤경에서 빠져나오기 위한 것이었고, 어산지가 이를 거절했다고 한다. 트럼프가 이를 정치적 도구로 이용할 때 이 사건은 형사사건이 되는 것이라고 로빈슨은 말했다.

로빈슨은 당시 어느 후보가 위키리크스의 도움을 받은 것이냐를 생각할 게 아니라 공익을 위해 사람들이 알아야 할 정보를 위키리크스가 공개했다는 것을 알아야 한다는 것을 강조했다. 그러면서 ‘만약 트럼프에 관한 정보가 있었다면 이를 공개했을 것이고, 클린턴을 도왔다는 소리를 들었을 것이다’고 말했다. 

트럼프가 화를 면하기 위해 어산지에게 사면 제안고 말한 로빈슨은 그 이유를, 대선 당시 트럼프가 러시아와 접촉했는 지에 관한 뮐러 특검의 조사가 진행 중에 있었고, 어산지가 정보원을 공개하면, 러시아에서 받은 정보가 아니라는 것이 밝혀질 것이면서 트럼프가 살게 되는 것이라고 설명했다.

로빈슨은 어산지가 클린턴과 트럼프 누구도 좋아하지 않았다며, 그가 이들을 성병에 비유한 것을 예로 들었다. 어산지는 이들에게 투표하는 것이 임질과 클라미디아 중 선택하는 것과 같다고 말했었다.

로저 스톤과 대화한 사실이 있냐는 질문에 로빈슨은 스톤이 거짓말쟁이라고 비난하면서, 어산지가 만난 적 없다고 말했다고 했다.

이어 위키리크스가 트럼프에게 안 좋은 자료를 많이 올렸냐는 질문에 로빈슨은, 위키리크스가 트위터에 트럼프의 납세신고와 관련한 자료를 구하는 글을 올렸지만, 이에 대해 받은 답이 없었다며, 위키리크스는 받은 것만 공개하지 해커가 아니라고 말했다.  

위키리크스가 가진 것 중에 무엇이 트럼프에게 해가 되냐는 질문에, 트럼프가 집권한 후 위키리크스는 CIA에 대한 많은 것을 공개했다고 로빈슨은 말했다. 그러면서 ‘어산지가 트럼프의 마음에 들려고 했다면 그런 일을 왜 했겠느냐며 트럼프의 편이 아님을 재차 강조했다.

트럼프는 CIA를 자주 공격했고, 여러 명을 파면하기도 했지만, 트럼프를 공격하는 자료는 많이 못 봤다는 반문에, 로빈슨은, 위키리크스는 공익에 의해 받은 자료에 의존하며, 무슨 자료가 넘어오는 지 관리하지는 못한다고 말했다.


Q and A with Julian Assange's lawyer Jennifer Robinson

How have your views on democracy changed since you met Julian?

Before I met Julian, I hadn’t really engaged as critically as I now have with the subject of democracy and what it means… Going back to 2010, when I first met him, he was a guy with a backpack, sleeping on peoples couches in London. And yet was America’s public enemy number one, and perceived to be one of the most powerful men in the world, and that’s when I properly understood value of information in a democracy and the value of controlling information for governments – and the importance of revealing information governments don’t want us to know.

The information we didn’t know before WikiLeaks – about war crimes, human rights abuse, and corruption. What does democracy really mean if we don’t know what we’re voting for?

What sort of relationship did Assange have with Trump in 2016? Did he deliberately help Trump for his own personal gain?

It’s obvious the Trump Administration has brought unprecedented indictments against Assange, that should be all you need to know about that relationship…

If WikiLeaks had received information about Trump during that election, they have said that they would’ve published it. If they had not published the information about the DNC during that election, if they had sat on that, WikiLeaks have said that could’ve been criticised as censorship or as having helped Clinton. The New York Times said they would have published the material had they received it.

There was no doubt there was public interest in that publication during the U.S. election, as a New York Court has found. Judge John Koeltl emphasised the "newsworthiness" of these publications, describing them as "plainly of the type entitled to the strongest protection that the First Amendment offers".

Where are we right now? When I spoke to you just after the trial, you said the trial had been quite gruelling.

Yes — case is finished, judgement is due in January. Whatever happens, we will appeal. All the way.

That doesn’t mean you think you’ve lost?

No! Whatever the outcome there’ll be an appeal. We are prepared to appeal all the way to the European Court if we have to.

How is Julian?

Obviously, it’s very difficult. He’s in a high-security prison. He’s been under some sort of restriction since 2010. Ten years. This is someone who has won journalism awards and been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the same publications for which he is now in prison and faces 175 years in prison in the United States.

You’ve known him for a long time. Has his philosophy changed?

No, absolutely not. No.

Is he writing? Is he writing a memoir? Is he putting pen to paper?

I hope he does.

But he wouldn’t be allowed near a computer for example?

He has a court-mandated laptop because of the sheer volume of the material he needs to review for the extradition case. But you can only read material on it. He can’t type or make notes.

Our legal team has had huge difficulties in having sufficient access to him to properly prepare his case.

Could you describe the difference in his eyes, his face, his demeanour from the day you met him to now? 

When he was dragged out of the [Ecuadorian] Embassy last year, and people were shocked at how he looked, I was not shocked. I have watched his slow decline. 

History will not look kindly on the way democratic governments have treated this publisher.

But he wouldn’t be allowed near a computer, for example?

He has a court-mandated laptop. You can only read material on it. He can’t type or make notes.

History will not look kindly on the way we have allowed him to be treated. History will not look kindly on the way democratic governments have treated this publisher.

Is there an aspect of this case that you think people have missed?

Maybe some historical aspects that not many people have picked up on: the Pentagon Papers leak by Daniel Ellsberg.

What was interesting was that he was saying the prosecution case was thrown out, with prejudice, because of the abusive tactics used by the Nixon Administration, including breaking into his psychiatrist's office.

In Julian’s case, there has been unlawful spying on me, as his lawyer, on our legal team and on Julian’s medical appointments. All of this abusive conduct and behaviour at the behest of the United States. It’s important to ask: “What should we accept from a government today?”

What is acceptable today seems pretty primitive. It seems like we’ve gone backwards.

The kind of abuse the Nixon Administration engaged in with Dan Ellsberg, how he was vilified, for what people now recognise was the right thing to do. He revealed what was going on in the Vietnam War. Now he is revered as a hero. The tactics used against him by the Nixon Administration were enough to get the case kicked out in the United States.

In Julian’s case, the Trump Administration seized legal material from the Ecuadorean Embassy, doctors and lawyers have been spied upon. Dan Ellsberg says this [the Assange trial] is “Nixon and some”, but the case continues.

Who is after Assange? Is it the U.S. intelligence agencies? Is it the Administration? And is there a difference?

As we have learned from the Spanish criminal case against the chief of the security company that was providing security in the Ecuadorean embassy, Trump’s ally and biggest funder, Sheldon Adelson, directed this company to collect information about Julian, and us as his lawyers, and give it to the United States.

Assange was being pursued before Trump. What’s been the difference between Trump’s Administration and Obama’s?

Massive. Look, we’ve known since 2013 that the Obama Administration was concerned about pursuing an indictment because of the First Amendment implications and did not indict him. The Trump Administration? No concerns, they pushed ahead with it.

The timeline is clear. If you look at WikiLeaks after Trump came to power, WikiLeaks published 'Vault 7', with revelations about the CIA. In April 2017, Mike Pompeo gave his famous speech where he said they were working to take down WikiLeaks and that Julian Assange would face prosecution, and will not benefit from First Amendment protection. The next week Jeff Sessions said it was a priority to prosecute Assange. The indictment came later and from the Trump Administration.

Why was there such bad blood between Julian Assange and Hilary Clinton?

What do you mean by “bad blood” or their “relationship”? He is a publisher who has been publishing material in line with WikiLeaks’ stated mission, including the Collateral Murder video, the Afghan and Iraq war material and the U.S. diplomatic cables in 2010 and 2011, which were published by WikiLeaks when she was Secretary of State.

WikiLeaks later published material it received about her campaign during the U.S. Election in 2016.

In the same period, WikiLeaks published a huge amount of material – about the CIA, about Syria, about Saudi Arabia, about Yemen, about surveillance technology and trade, about Guantanamo, about a bribery case suppression order in Australia – and more. A lot of powerful people aren’t happy about WikiLeaks’ revelations and what they have shown the public.

Have you noticed a change in tone regarding the pursuit of Assange over the five years?

There is no question about the pursuit of Assange since the Trump Administration came to power. He was not indicted by the Obama Administration. He was only indicted after Trump came to power.

Why does it seem like Assange helped Trump? Has Trump just turned on him?

All you need to look at is what Trump has done since he came to power. It is the Trump Administration that has pursued him with a 175-year indictment.

But they then came and offered Assange an out?

Where he was asked to expose a source! It was an out that satisfied Trump politically, which Julian refused to do. He was offered an out and he didn’t take it.

We were approached with a pardon deal — and I don’t mean an offer. “We will pardon you if you reveal the source of the DNC leaks”, which would get Trump off the hook before the election. The idea that this is a legitimate criminal case when Trump is willing to bargain it as a political tool?

Does that mean Assange helped Trump?

No, it doesn’t! It doesn’t mean he helped Trump. He published information in the public interest during an election. Trump perceived that as helping him, but whatever, that’s WikiLeaks. That’s WikiLeaks' mission. They were always going to do that. Had they got information on Trump, they would’ve published it and they’d say “Oh, you helped Clinton”.

That is not the intention in publishing material. People need to know this information, do what you will with it. Which candidate it helps is a separate question. The fact he [Trump] came to offer a deal was not to help Julian – or some quid pro quo – it was to save Trump’s skin.

Why would Trump’s skin need to be saved?

The Mueller Inquiry was on at the time, looking into his connections with Russia. The perception was if Julian revealed the source, showing it definitely was not Russia, it let Trump off the hook. That’s what they were thinking.

So it looks like a favour was done because Julian was not particularly fond of Hilary?

But why would he do that? Why would he piss off people even more, if it weren’t just about the principle?

But, if, as it seems, he particularly didn’t like Hilary?

He didn’t like either of them. Haven’t you seen where he compared them both to STDs? I think he said it was like choosing between gonorrhoea and chlamydia — they’re both shit choices.

Did Roger Stone ever speak with Julian?

No. He never came to the embassy. That’s a big, fat lie.

I don't mean did Stone go the embassy, but did he speak to Julian?

I don’t know. Julian said not. There are public Twitter messages but Julian has said he didn’t meet him.

Has WikiLeaks published much against Trump?

They’ve publicly asked on Twitter for material, they asked for Trump’s tax returns, but they haven’t received them. They can only publish what they receive. They don’t hack.

The material seems to have dried up a lot.

When their editor is in a high-security prison?

Indeed, but WikiLeaks is more than one person. What stuff has WikiLeaks put up that has damaged Trump?

WikiLeaks published a lot of stuff on the CIA after Trump came to power. If Julian was trying to win Trump’s favour, why would he publish on the CIA after Trump came to power?

But Trump attacked the CIA regularly himself, sacking many of them. I haven’t seen much stuff attacking his presidency

WikiLeaks is not a media organisation. It depends what they receive, in the public interest. They can’t control what documents come to them. It all depends on what they receive.

Yes, I understand. I’ll stop banging on now and let you go. Thanks for your time, Jennifer.

No problem. Have a look at the Pentagon Papers trial!