[Wikileaks] Reflections for Julian Assange on International Human Rights Day, December 10th
[Wikileaks] Reflections for Julian Assange on International Human Rights Day, December 10th
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2022.11.21 06:02
  • 수정 2022.11.21 06:02
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Reflections for Julian Assange on International Human Rights Day, December 10th. /Pressenza

A new initiative for Julian Assange has been suggested by the Australian activists who organized a rally in front of the Prime Minister’s office in Sydney on October 15th: on December 10th , International Human Rights Day, we could gather in many places around the world to send thoughts of affection, wellbeing and closeness to Julian Assange.

As always, we rely on everybody’s creativity. It can be a time of meditation, but also of music, poems, thoughts, videos and whatever seems appropriate to feel close to a man imprisoned in a tiny cell and to send him a wave of well-being and protection.

In case a human rights event has already been organized for that day, this part for Julian Assange could be included. Otherwise, a specific initiative can focus on this theme.

It will be possible to write to 24hAssange@proton.me to report events with location, title, time and email of a responsible person and they will be included in a new map on www.24hassange.org, as for the marathon on 15 October. After the event photos and a short description of the event will be published on Pressenza.  

Free Assange Campaign. /Pressenza
Free Assange Campaign. /Pressenza

Letter from Manuel Zelaya, former President of Honduras, about Julian Assange 

Your Excellency Prime Minister Sunak of the United Kingdom

I am writing to you, in my capacity as Former President of the Republic of Honduras and current President of the Anti-Imperialist Peoples’ International in Defence of Humanity and Nature, in order to request the review of the extradition to the United States of America and the immediate release of the Australian cyber journalist and activist Julian Assange, who has been suffering imprisonment in your country since April 2019, after a 7-year stay as a political refugee in the Ecuadorian embassy.

In doing so, I add my voice to those of other presidents, human rights organisations and numerous political and cultural personalities from Latin America and the world. 

A supporter of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange protests outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, UK [Reuters]
A supporter of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange protests outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London, UK [Reuters]

I base this request on humanitarian reasons, since as is public knowledge the prolonged confinement and the current conditions of detention have seriously affected Mr. Assange’s health, but also on reasons that warn of the violation of rights not only of the aforementioned but of civilised society as a whole.

The United Kingdom’s authorisation to extradite Mr Assange to the USA entails the risk of a prison sentence of 175 years, which, given the journalist’s current state of health, means in practice that he will be sentenced to death. May I also point out that this authorisation ignores the fact that extradition for political offences is prohibited under both British and European law and I have no doubt about the absolute lack of safeguards in a trial where the detainee is condemned in advance.

Your Excellency Prime Minister, I am increasingly convinced that Mr Assange’s greatest crime has been to reveal to the world the truth about a number of events that demonstrate at the very least the violation of international law and the rights of peoples to security and peace. The author himself has been the victim of one of these violations when he was overthrown by a coup d’état in 2009, where the interference of a foreign force was later confirmed by the documents declassified by Wikileaks. 

Mexican activists hold banners that read Revolutionary of journalism and hero of the truth and Freedom for Julian Assange. AFP
Mexican activists hold banners that read Revolutionary of journalism and hero of the truth and Freedom for Julian Assange. AFP

I must remind your Excellency Prime Minister that article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed by all states comprising the international community, states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

In the light of this article, then, it is worth asking her whether the dissemination of the truth can pose any threat to the security of the signatory states of this Declaration, which was adopted a few years after the tragedy of the Second World War, the formidable lessons of which should never be forgotten.

If, as the Christian Gospel expresses it: “Only the truth alone will set us free”, have no doubt that knowledge of the truth, however hard and bitter it may be, is the only way to a more just world where non-violent and harmonious coexistence between states, peoples, communities, etc. becomes a reality. 

Free Assange! Protesters made human chain around British Parliament. 8 Oct. 2022. /Reuters= Yonhap<br>
Free Assange! Protesters made human chain around British Parliament. 8 Oct. 2022. /Reuters= Yonhap<br>

On the other hand, the prolonged imprisonment and imminent extradition of someone who has not committed a single crime on his conscience, who has not ordered the bombing of towns or the overthrow of governments, constitutes a real threat to the free press, to the right of peoples to information, as enshrined in the aforementioned Article 19.

At this dramatic time in the world, threatened by a new world conflagration, and coinciding with the recent appointment of Your Excellency to such a high governmental position, we the people, expect from the rulers of the great nations, gestures of greatness.

You have today the opportunity to carry out one of them in order to contribute to the inauguration of a new era marked by the zealous respect for human rights, which demands from governments and statesmen a magnanimous attitude of respect for the law and defence of the weak against the powerful.

I, therefore, reiterate my request for the non-extradition and immediate release of Julian Assange.
I send you my best regards.

Manuel Zelaya
Anti-imperialist International of the Peoples’ Anti-Imperialist International in Defence of Humanity and Nature Tegucigalpa, Republic of Honduras

Julian Assange [AP]
Julian Assange [AP]


Wikileaks / Pressenza



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