NICO BOCO’s 'MUH/DR Plus Derma' Won the 2022 Consumer Satisfaction Index No. 1 for 4 Consecutive Years
NICO BOCO’s 'MUH/DR Plus Derma' Won the 2022 Consumer Satisfaction Index No. 1 for 4 Consecutive Years
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2022.12.01 11:06
  • 수정 2022.12.01 06:05
  • 댓글 0
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NICO BOCO CEO Ms. Lee Yu-Jeong (right) won the grand prize at the MoneyToday '2022 Korea Consumer Satisfaction Index No. 1' award ceremony.

NICO BOCO’s 'MUH/DR Plus Derma' (CEO Lee Yu-Jeong) won the grand prize in the derma cosmetic category for 4 consecutive years at the Money Today '2022 Korea Consumer Satisfaction Index No. 1' award ceremony held at the Korea Press Center in Jung-gu, Seoul on the November 1st.

'Korea Consumer Satisfaction Index No. 1' was established to discover, select, recognize, and encourage outstanding companies with high domestic consumer satisfaction and future growth potential.

NICO BOCO, a sports fashion brand with 30 years of history specializing in men's cosmetics and hair loss shampoo, launched premium men's cosmetics 'MUH' and hair loss care functional shampoo 'DR Plus Derma', and sells them in famous domestic department stores, duty-free shops, H&B stores, and large-scale beauty stores, securing competitiveness in the offline market.

Premium men's cosmetics brand 'MUH' has developed and sold high-end men's cosmetics the 'Whitening New Age' line through technology developed over 3 years and 6 months. The brand has also launched ‘DR Plus Derma Shampoo', a hair loss care functional shampoo, which is being actively sold. 

MUH Premium Edition
MUH Premium Edition

Particularly, NICO BOCO's 'DR Plus Derma Shampoo' contains 'ginsenoside', the main ingredient for hair loss care and uses 100% natural surfactant. Furthermore, 44 harmful substances are excluded while all the ingredients are EWG green grade. Non-allergenic natural (floral musk mint) fragrance harmless to the human body is just an additional strength of this product. Along with the launch of new products this year, sales through home shopping channels and online shopping malls will be actively pursued, and the brand plans to expand its line-up by receiving favorable responses such as a 50% repeat order rate. 

NICO BOCO said, "We subdivide the causes of hair loss to diversify our shampoos into hair loss shampoos for dry, oily and combination scalp types and scented shampoos according to the consumers’ preferences for scent. Particularly, we will soon release a functional shampoo for both hair loss care and gray hair dye and plan to actively target the domestic and overseas markets with a dye shampoo that is not harmful to the scalp and skin.”

The company added, "Currently, NICO BOCO is firmly establishing its position as an online platform operator in large online malls as well as open malls and social sites, and receiving good responses from domestic home shopping markets such as Home & Shopping, Hyundai Home Shopping, Gongyoung Home Shopping, and SK Stoa Shopping. We plan to expand overseas markets through overseas home shopping channels, large online malls, and H&B store.”


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