[Views of Cho Pilhyun] Main Keywords of Top Pharmaceutical Companies
[Views of Cho Pilhyun] Main Keywords of Top Pharmaceutical Companies
  • Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter
  • 승인 2023.01.05 10:11
  • 수정 2023.01.05 10:11
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Cho Wook-Je, CEO of Yuhan Corp., Huh Eun-Chul, CEO of GC Green Cross Corp., Jeon Seung-Ho, CEO of Daewoong Pharmaceuticals, Jung Jae-Hun, CEO of the Dong-A Socio Group, Song Young-Suk, President of Hanmi Pharmaceutical (clockwise from upper left) [Photo courtesy of each company]
Cho Wook-Je, CEO of Yuhan Corp., Huh Eun-Chul, CEO of GC Green Cross Corp., Jeon Seung-Ho, CEO of Daewoong Pharmaceuticals, Jung Jae-Hun, CEO of the Dong-A Socio Group, Song Young-Suk, President of Hanmi Pharmaceutical (clockwise from upper left) [Photo courtesy of each company]


2023, the year of the rabbit, has dawned. This year is more important than ever for the pharmaceutical industry. The Yoon Suk Yeol administration, which is in its second year in power, is expressing a strong will to develop the biopharmaceutical industry as one of key strategic industries. In addition, attention is focused on the realization of the government's national tasks, such as strengthening the essential medical foundation for promotion of public health. We analyzed the new year addresses of the top five pharmaceutical companies including Yuhan Corporation, GC Green Cross, Daewoong Pharmaceutical, Hanmi Pharmaceutical, and Dong-A Socio Group. They contained 'strong messages' of 'high passion', 'young heart', and 'challenge and change' to achieve major goals. Yuhan Corp., the No. 1 pharmaceutical company in terms of sales, vowed to find the second ‘Leclaza’. Leclaza is a Korea’s new drug for non-small cell lung cancer. With the recent release of the positive results from the global phase 3 clinical trials, the company plans to apply for approval as the first-line treatment in the first half of the year. Currently, Leclaza can be selectively prescribed as a second-line treatment only when patients diagnosed with lung cancer show resistance to the first-line treatment. Mr. Cho Wook-Je, CEO of Yuhan Corp. said, “We will continue to make new investments for strengthening R&D capabilities and future sustainable growth and secure promising pipelines through selection and concentration to develop the 2nd and 3rd Leclaza early. GC Green Cross emphasized the ‘challenging DNA’ along with the word ‘young heart’. This means that they have been running towards the goal by repeating advances and retreats for 56 years since its founding, and now want to jump once again with the heart of a young man. Mr. Huh Eun-Chul, CEO of GC Green Cross urged, “Just like the time of the persistent challenge to make a medicine that is difficult to make but indispensable, let’s shake and wake up the DNA of challenge that makes us work harder and not give up when it looks more impossible.”

“Let’s accelerate the leap forward to the status of a global big pharma.” This is a major keyword for Daewoong Pharmaceutical. Daewoong Pharmaceutical joined a 1 trillion won sales club and achieved a record-high operating profit last year. Korea’s new drug No. 34 ‘Fexuclue’ was launched and No. 36 ‘Envlo’ obtained approval. Mr. Jeon Seung-Ho, CEO of Daewoong Pharmaceuticals, said, “With Fexuclue and Envlo, we will accelerate our leap forward to achieve the status of a global big pharma through the development of the first-in-kind new drugs and the upgrade of global drug performance in areas with high therapeutic unmet needs, such as idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, autoimmune disease, and cancer,” raising the banner. Hanmi Pharmaceutical, which the modifiers “first” and “largest” fit well, plans to establish itself as an R&D intensive company. Hanmi Pharmaceutical, which celebrates its 50th  anniversary this year, was confident that it would stand tall as an R&D-centered pharmaceutical company representing Korea both in name and reality, with the management slogan of ‘New 50 Years, Global Hanmi’. Ms. Song Young-Suk, President of Hanmi Pharmaceutical, emphasized, “If the last 50 years were the history of former President Lim Sung-ki, the next half century should be recorded as a new history made by executives and employees.” The Dong-A Socio Group hoped that new year would be a year of advancing towards its goals. It says that fulfilling social responsibility is the group's philosophy and unchanging goal. It was emphasized repeatedly that social responsibility is not something grandiose but fulfilling each individual’s responsibility. Mr. Jung Jae-Hun, CEO of the Dong-A Socio Group, said, "2023 is the year of the first step toward the group's 100th anniversary. I hope that you will take on your duty faithfully with ambition and courage.“

The pharmaceutical industry is calling for the establishment of a control tower that prevents the inefficiency of partitions between departments and overlapping projects, and directs mid- to long-term development strategies such as R&D, policy financing, and tax support. As the pharmaceutical industry is under the government's regulatory policy, it has a strategy to solve regulatory policy through choice and concentration. As people's interest in improving the quality of life grows, the importance of the biopharmaceutical industry as a future growth engine is drawing attention. Unsparing applause goes to major pharmaceutical companies in 2023 as well for the vigorous challenges and high passion.

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter]


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