Samsung BioLogics’ 3 Pillars of Growth, “Production Capacity, Portfolio and Geographic Base”
Samsung BioLogics’ 3 Pillars of Growth, “Production Capacity, Portfolio and Geographic Base”
  • Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter
  • 승인 2023.01.13 10:55
  • 수정 2023.01.13 10:55
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Fourth factory to be completed this year…Total production capacity u[ to 60.4 K liters
John Rim, “We will continue pre-emptive and bold investment”
John Rim, CEO of Samsung BioLogics, explains 3 pillars of growth of 2023 in a press conference held in the J. P. Morgan Health Conference on January 12th. [Photo courtesy of Samsung Biologics]
John Rim, CEO of Samsung BioLogics, explains 3 pillars of growth of 2023 in a press conference held in the J. P. Morgan Health Conference on January 12th. [Photo courtesy of Samsung Biologics]

Samsung BioLogics announced its main goals for this year, including production capacity, portfolio, and geographical base, which are the 3 pillars for sustainable growth.

Mr. John Rim, CEO of Samsung BioLogics, emphasized at the J. P. Morgan Healthcare Conference on January 12th, “This year, we will actively engage in activities to win contracts, starting with our fourth factory, and at the same time, push forward to expand our production capacity through the second Bio Campus.”
He added, “We will increase our CDMO portfolio with next-generation medicine such as antibody drug conjugates (ADC) and gene therapy, and establish our bases in major cities where global customers are concentrated to continue growth based on 3 pillars.”

Samsung BioLogics presented the last year’s major achievements. The company recorded annual cumulative sales of 2.358 trillion won on a consolidated basis at the end of the third quarter of last year, surpassing 2 trillion won in annual sales for the first time in its history.

With continued large-scale consignment production contracts with global pharmaceutical companies, it achieved orders of 1.7835 trillion won.

Samsung BioLogics plans to complete the fourth factory, which is already in partial operation, successfully this year while actively engaging in activities of winning contracts. When the fourth factory (production capacity of 240,000 liters) is completed, the total production capacity will be 604,000 liters.

In addition, discussions on building the second Bio Campus will be put forward in earnest.

7.5 trillion won will be invested here to build large-scale biopharmaceutical production facilities and an open innovation center to foster companies with next-generation pharmaceutical technology.

Following the San Francisco R&D Center opened in 2020, the company plans to continue expanding its geographical base to increase contact points with global customers.

It has recently built a sales office in New Jersey, following Boston, where major Big Pharmas are located, and is using the office as a communication channel with customers.

CEO Mr. Rim said, “We will continue our pre-emptive and bold investments in line with Samsung's vision of biotech business and roadmap to establish itself as a top-tier biotech company that provides full services by 2030.”

The 2023 JP Morgan Healthcare Conference is an annual event held by J. P. Morgan, an American investment bank, and a representative global bio-pharmaceutical investment conference, which 8,000 investors and 550 bio companies around the world attend.

The conference has been held online since 2021 due to COVID-19, but resumed as an in person event after 3 years.

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter]

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