Huons Group, Reinforced by ‘Sports Marketing’ 
Huons Group, Reinforced by ‘Sports Marketing’ 
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.01.17 14:59
  • 수정 2023.01.17 14:59
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Promotion of the corporate value ‘Global Total Healthcare’ with golf, billiards, baseball, and volleyball
Huons Golf Team established in 2018, fostering promising young players and pursuing corporate growth
‘Huons Healthcare Legend’, a professional billiards team, joined the PBA as the 8th team
Yoon Sung-Tae “Strengthening entry to the U.S. market, expanding business in Japan, focusing on the development of incrementally modified drugs”
Jeong Seul-Gi, Huons Golf Team [Photo courtesy of Huons Group]
Jeong Seul-Gi, Huons Golf Team [Photo courtesy of Huons Group]

There is a global healthcare group in South Korea, an advanced sports country, which invests in five sports simultaneously, carrying out aggressive “sports marketing.” It is the Huons Group that encompasses pharmaceutical, health functional food, cosmetics, and medical device businesses.

Huons is pushing forward in realizing the corporate philosophy and value of 'Global Total Healthcare' in connection with golf, billiards, baseball, volleyball, and e-sports. Following the golf team, which celebrates its sixth anniversary this year, and the sponsorship of the professional baseball Kiwoom Heroes, the company also established the professional billiards team “Huons Healthcare Legend” in 2021.

Its strategy is to actively engage in sports marketing by linking sports and healthcare businesses.

Huons founded a golf team in 2018 and built the team around promising young players instead of star players. The team has golfers such as Jeong Seul-Gi and Kim So-I in KLPGA, and Kim A-Rim in LPGA, and since 2019, the team has expanded its sponsorship to men’s golf including a KPGA golfer, Heo In-Hoe.

Jeong Seul-Gi of the Huons golf team won the KG-EDAILY Open in September 2018 and finished the 2022 season at 41st in prize money (282.96 million won). Golfers up to the 60th place in the prize money are guaranteed a full seed for next season without going through a seed match.

Kim So-I, a 12-year veteran golfer, is also playing well. She finished the last year's season in 68th place in the prize money rankings and was ranked at 21st in the 2023 KLPG regular tour seed match. Kim A-Rim of LPGA, supported by Huons as a sub-sponsor, finished last year’s season in 39th place in the prize money rankings.

Houns Healthcare Legend [Photo courtesy of Huons Group]
Houns Healthcare Legend [Photo courtesy of Huons Group]

The next sport area Huons paid attention to was billiards, which had become popular with the birth of the PBA (Professional Billiards Association). Huons founded the professional billiards team ‘Huons Healthcare Legend’ in June 2021 and joined the PBA as the 8th team.

In its first year, the team was ranked at 5th overall, attracting attention.

This season, six players including ‘Billiards Empress’ Kim Se-Yeon, ‘Fierce Competitor’ Oh Seong-Wook, ‘3-Cushion Billiards World Cup Champion’ Javier Palazon (Spain), Kim Bong-Cheol, Ko Sang-Woon, and Choi Hye-Mi are competing and said to have successfully settled.

Choi Hye-Mi won the 2nd and 4th sets by 9-0 in the 2nd day match on January 9th. On the same day, Healthcare Legend defeated the Welcome Bank team by a score of 4-2 and had their first win of the 6th round. However, the team later lost to Crown Haitai in the first game on the 3rd day by a set score of 3-4.

Huons’s Healthcare Legend is determined to improve their strength in the upcoming new season and aims to enter the top of the table. The company plans to continue sponsoring professional billiards and provide support players to be able to focus on training.

The name of Huons can also be found in the national sport of Korea, professional baseball.

Kim Hye-Seong, Kiwoom Heroes [Photo courtesy of Huons Group]
Kim Hye-Seong, Kiwoom Heroes [Photo courtesy of Huons Group]

Huons has signed a sponsorship with the Kiwoom Heroes baseball club to support players and the team since 2019. After going straight to the semi-playoffs as the 3rd place team of the 2022 regular season, Kiwoom Heroes became a sensation becoming the runner-up in the Korean Series.

In addition, the company is working with professional volleyball V-League and e-sports team DRX to propagate the corporate value.

Huons presented 'H.O.P.E' as its management policy this year, which is composed of the first letters from synergy maximization (Harmony), crisis overcoming (Overcome), choice and concentration (Pinpoint), and management efficiency (Efficiency). Focusing on pharmaceuticals, the company plans to achieve growth and performance improvement through synergy in various fields such as beauty, health and functional foods, and botulinum toxins, and respond to the crisis.

Yoon Sung-Tae, chairman of the Huons Group, expressed confidence, saying, "This year, we will achieve growth by solving important issues such as strengthening our entry into the US, expanding our business in Japan, expanding the development of incrementally modified drugs, obtaining approvals for raw materials of heparin drugs, and individual certification of health and functional foods.“

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]

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