Hanmi Pharmaceutical, Last Year’s Sales 1.3317 Trillion Won…”Largest in the Company’s History”
Hanmi Pharmaceutical, Last Year’s Sales 1.3317 Trillion Won…”Largest in the Company’s History”
  • Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter
  • 승인 2023.02.09 10:00
  • 수정 2023.02.09 10:00
  • 댓글 0
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Operating profit 157 billion won and net profit 95.7 billion won, up 25.2% and 17.4%, respectively
[Photo courtesy of Hanmi Pharmaceutical]
[Photo courtesy of Hanmi Pharmaceutical]

Hanmi Pharmaceutical achieved record sales revenue since its foundation. Revenue surpassed that of 2015 (1.317 trillion won), when the company signed the Korea’s largest drug license-out agreement.

According to Hanmi Pharmaceutical on February 8, the company achieved 1.3317 trillion won in sales last year. 

Operating profit was 157 billion won and net profit 95.7 billion won. Sales revenue grew 10.7% year-over-year, and operating income and net income did 25.2% and 17.4%, respectively.

Last year, 177.9 billion won, which accounts for 13.4% of the sales revenue, was invested in R&D. The company emphasized that the growth of its in-house products led to its best results since foundation.

In addition, Hanmi Pharmaceutical achieved 789.1 billion won in sales of outpatient prescription last year, setting a record for the fifth consecutive year as the country's No. 1 in the corresponding category.

The company has launched 18 blockbuster products so far, each of which recorded sales of over 10 billion won, including the ‘Rosuzet’, new combination therapy for dyslipidemia, with prescription sales of 140.3 billion won.

The Amosartan family, the company's new flagship combination therapy line, recorded combined prescription sales of 130.5 billion won.

Although year-end sales were somewhat slowed down due to the COVID-19 pandemic in China in the fourth quarter of last year, Beijing Hanmi Pharmaceutical, a local subsidiary in China, reported cumulative sales of 356 billion won, operating profit of 78 billion won, and net profit of 71.5 billion won for the full year.

Annual sales of Beijing Hanmi Pharmaceutical exceeding 300 billion won were the first ever feat since its foundation in 1996.

An official from the company said, "We have achieved sustainable growth through our in-house products and invested heavily in R&D for the future. This year marks our 50th anniversary, and we will strive to create more fruitful and substantial results than ever before.“

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter]


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