Jowin, the Apple in Korea’s cancer treatment, expands their business globally
Jowin, the Apple in Korea’s cancer treatment, expands their business globally
  • Kang Hye-won, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.02.22 09:25
  • 수정 2023.02.22 05:10
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Jowin plans to establish a telemedicine platform for overseas patients with stage 4 and terminal cancer and launch it in the first half of this year

Collaboration with licensed traditional Korean medicine doctors and fostering of “cansultants,” counselors specializing in cancer patients, for Jowin’s global telemedicine services

Provide remote, non-face-to-face treatments by recruiting cancer patients and fostering local cansultants in the countries of Jowin’s partner companies

Jowin (CEO Yeon-jeong Yoo), which has shown great results in clinical trials of many stage 4 and terminal cancer patients in Korea over the past few years, sets this year as its first year of entering the global cancer care market and will establish a global telemedicine platform that provides high-quality non-face-to-face care services to patients with stage 4 and terminal cancer.

Jowin plans to launch a telemedicine platform that can be accessed via a smartphone application (app) in the first half of the year to help treat overseas cancer patients who want to experience Korea’s advanced medical system but have difficulty entering the country due to the physical distance. The telemedicine platform will gradually expand into the global market after its first launch in Korea and Southeast Asian countries. 

Jowin’s telemedicine platform will be available to cancer patients and their caregivers worldwide. When the basic personal information and condition of a cancer patient is registered on the app, a “cansultant,” a counselor specializing in cancer patients at Jowin, reviews the patient's past medical history and provides them a consultation service for the patient’s current psychological status and other factors. Afterwards, a traditional Korean medicine doctor who has completed Jowin’s cancer treatment training gives the patient a customized prescription following a non-face-to-face medical examination. Emotional distress is another difficult battle that cancer patients experience alongside their physical sufferings. In consideration of this, cansultants will provide therapy to patients for areas such as fear of death, anxiety and concerns about relapse, which is an important service in telemedicine.

Through its telemedicine platform, Jowin will provide patients with a total solution that includes “UNBIJE,” a natural anti-cancer drug made from a natural mineral, “HiB&D,” a nutritional supplement exclusively for cancer patients, a protein supplement to support immunity and nutritional balance for cancer patients and a “body temperature-raising mineral water” that has been filed to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). UNBIJE is a non-toxic natural mineral developed by Jowin with the natural mineral “sericite,” which has shown great efficacy through clinical trials over the past several years. The mechanism of its cancer treatment efficacy was published in “Hindawi,” the internationally renowned SCI-grade journal covering the field of alternative medicine, in October of last year. Jowin owns a large-scale sericite mine, which allows it to use the mineral in production.

Soo-hyun Kim, chairman of Jowin, said, "I have been able to give hope to many cancer patients and caregivers by treating cancer patients in Korea who have had been abandoned by modern medicine through Jowin’s affiliated cancer hospital for numerous years. Last year, many terminal cancer patients overseas contacted me after seeing Jowin’s English article, which saddened me, and I started contemplating ways to save them. In that process, Jowin was able to adopt a non-face-to-face telemedicine method, which has recently become a global trend due to COVID-19, allowing overseas cancer patients to connect online with named doctors in the cancer treatment field in Korea.”

With the launch of its global telemedicine platform, Jowin is in the process of recruiting partners in various countries. The partners of each country will recruit and train local cansultants and recruit cancer patients who are difficult to treat with modern medicine to provide them with telemedicine services or medical tours to excellent cancer treatment hospitals affiliated with Jowin in Korea. Those interested in the partnership can apply on Jowin’s website. 

After the final confirmation of collaboration, Jowin’s partners will officially start providing telemedicine services after receiving training through Jowin’s cancer treatment and counseling curriculum. The curriculum includes education on psychotherapy, basic understanding of cancer, dietary strategy and cancer patient management. In the case of the contracted Bangladesh partnership, it was decided on to have local doctors take on the consultant role themselves.

CEO Yeon-jeong Yoo, a doctor of medicine, said, “Jowin’s entry into the global market won’t be difficult since most countries have an expanded access program, a system that allows the prescription of investigational drugs upon the consent of the doctors, patients and caregivers, for the treatment for terminal cancer. Also, there won’t great difficulty in exporting UNBIJE since it is a natural mineral that is included in the same category as edible minerals, herbs and herbal medicine.“ She added, “We plan to supply Jowin’s total cancer treatment solution, the front-runner in K-Medi, to other countries as well by forming partnerships with local companies like we have in Bangladesh.”

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