Daewon Pharmaceutical Commences R&D of Diabetes and Obesity Drugs
Daewon Pharmaceutical Commences R&D of Diabetes and Obesity Drugs
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.05.30 23:26
  • 수정 2023.05.30 23:26
  • 댓글 0
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Signed an agreement on the joint development with Pharmus Bioscience
Baek In-hwan (L), CEO of Daewon Pharmaceutical, and Yang Jae-sung, CEO of Pharmus, take a commemorative photo after signing an agreement for research and development of new drugs for diabetes and obesity. [Photo courtesy of Daewon Pharmaceutical]
Baek In-hwan (L), CEO of Daewon Pharmaceutical, and Yang Jae-sung, CEO of Pharmus, take a commemorative photo after signing an agreement for research and development of new drugs for diabetes and obesity. [Photo courtesy of Daewon Pharmaceutical]

Daewon Pharmaceutical announced on May 30 that it has signed an agreement on joint development and technology transfer with biotech company Pharmus Bioscience to collaborate on the development of new drugs for the treatment of diabetes and obesity.

Under the agreement, it will evaluate the triple agonist (GLP-1/GIP/GCG) obtained through drug design and synthesis by Pharmus and select final candidates.

It will then proceed to preclinical and clinical trials.

GLP-1 (Glucagon like peptide-1) is used as a treatment for diabetes and obesity due to its effects of lowering blood sugar by stimulating insulin secretion, suppressing appetite in the brain, and slowing down the speed of food emptying from the stomach.

Some of the most widely known GLP-1 agonists include Novo Nordisk's Saxenda (liraglutide) and Wegovy (Semaglutide).

Recently, Lilly's GLP-1/GIP double agonist, Mounjaro (tirzepatide), was approved by the FDA for diabetes and completed a Phase 3 clinical trial for obesity. Lilly is preparing to add additional indications.

Daewon Pharmaceutical aims to develop a drug that reduces gastrointestinal side effects, is easy to manufacture, and has higher blood sugar-lowering and weight-loss effects through an ideal ratio of the above three active ingredients.

Mr. Baek In-hwan, CEO of Daewon Pharmaceutical, said, "We will be able to further accelerate the development of diabetes and obesity drugs. We will continue to make active investments in research and development of various therapeutics."

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]


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