Prosecutions will share the power of investigation with Police
Prosecutions will share the power of investigation with Police
  • 이경아 기자
  • 승인 2018.06.21 17:27
  • 수정 2018.06.21 17:27
  • 댓글 0
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Lee Nak-yeon Prime Minister announces that police will be given total investigative powers at the Seoul Government Complex, downtown Seoul on Thursday [Yonhap]
Lee Nak-yeon Prime Minister announces that police will be given total investigative powers at the Seoul Government Complex, downtown Seoul on Thursday [Yonhap]


The government said Thursday it will empower police to conduct and close initial investigations in all cases independently of the prosecutions as part of reforms measures aimed at reducing the massive concentration of investigative powers in the prosecution.

Reforming the prosecution was one of President Moon Jae-in's key campaign amid long-running criticism that the elite law enforcement agency has abused its colossal investigative rights while currying favor with those in power for its own interests.

Thursday's measures center on reducing these prosecutorial powers and rights.

Under the current law, police can open investigations, but cannot close them without approval from the prosecution. The prosecution can also intervene and command police investigations at any time, and police can seek court warrants only through the prosecution.

It is also only the prosecution that can file indictment.

The reform measures, which will be implemented through revision of related laws, call for giving police the right to conduct initial investigations in all cases while requiring the prosecution to focus on its primary role of prosecuting cases, and to conduct initial investigations in only essential cases.

The measures also call for scrapping the prosecution's right to command police investigations before police transfer cases to the prosecution and empowering police to close investigations on their own without approval from the prosecution.

[WikiLeaks Korea= By Lee Kyung Ah]

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