IOC and Samsung Extend Partnership Through to 2028
IOC and Samsung Extend Partnership Through to 2028
  • Yelin Jung [WikiLeaks Korea]
  • 승인 2018.12.06 10:40
  • 수정 2018.12.06 10:40
  • 댓글 0
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Tsunekazu Takeda, IOC Marketing Commission Chair, Thomas Bach, IOC President, Jay Y. Lee, Vice Chairman at Samsung Electronics, and Dong Jin Koh, President and CEO of IT&Mobile Communications Division at Samsung Electronics, pose for a photo after a signing ceremony to extend their global partnership through to the Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 (from right).
Tsunekazu Takeda, IOC Marketing Commission Chair, Thomas Bach, IOC President, Jay Y. Lee, Vice Chairman at Samsung Electronics, and Dong Jin Koh, President and CEO of IT&Mobile Communications Division at Samsung Electronics, pose for a photo after a signing ceremony to extend their global partnership through to the Olympic Games Los Angeles 2028 (from right).

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and Samsung Electronics (Samsung) Tuesday announced an extension to their global Olympic partnership through to 2028.

The announcement was made in Seoul, Republic of Korea, at a signing ceremony with IOC President Thomas Bach and Jay Y. Lee, Vice Chairman at Samsung Electronics; IOC Marketing Commission Chair Tsunekazu Takeda; Dong Jin Koh, President and CEO of the IT&Mobile Communications Division at Samsung Electronics; and Younghee Lee, CMO and Executive Vice President, Samsung Electronics.

Samsung will continue as the Worldwide Olympic Partner in the wireless communications equipment and computing equipment category, including the ability to promote the Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and 5G features of that equipment. As part of the agreement, the IOC and Samsung will further develop their strategic digital collaboration to engage young generations around the world in order to promote the power of sport and the values of Olympism.

IOC President Thomas Bach said: “I am delighted that we will be building on two decades of partnership with Samsung for another 10 years. Over this time, we have built a partnership combining Olympic excellence and Samsung’s industry-leading wireless communications technology. Together, we are able to connect with and inspire Olympic athletes and fans around the world, and we look forward to working with Samsung to build the digital future of the Olympic Games.”

Dong Jin Koh, President and CEO of the IT & Mobile Communications Division at Samsung Electronics, said: “As a Worldwide Olympic Partner for the last 22 years, Samsung has been inspired by the spirit of hope, friendship and unity. Through our innovative wireless and computing equipment which are able to support AI, VR, AR and 5G technology, we hope to spread the excitement of the Games so that fans and athletes around the world can stay connected and share in the journey to achieve greatness at the highest level of sportsmanship.”

IOC Marketing Commission Chair Tsunekazu Takeda said: “Samsung is a global success story and a brand recognized around the world. Samsung understands and promotes the Olympic values through technology and marketing campaigns that help break down barriers and engage new audiences. From a commercial perspective, our extension with Samsung to 2028 builds on the long-term agreements reached recently with existing and new Partners, and demonstrates the long-term strength and appeal of our marketing programs.”

Samsung will continue its support beyond the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, and will support every edition of the Olympic Games through to Los Angeles 2028, as well as all the Youth Olympic Games through to 2028. Samsung will also continue to support the IOC, the National Olympic Committees and their teams. Samsung’s first Games as a Worldwide TOP Partner were the Olympic Winter Games Nagano 1998. Samsung will also continue as a Worldwide Partner of the International Paralympic Committee, extending a relationship that began in 2006.

In collaboration with the IOC and the Organizing Committees, Samsung plans to continue its Athlete Phone Program. This program provides Limited Olympic Edition Galaxy phones to all participating Olympic and Paralympic athletes to enhance the athletes’ Games-time experience, help them stay in touch with their family and friends, and capture and share their journeys.

[WikiLeaks Korea=By Yelin Jung]

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