Samsung Unveils The Future of Displays with Groundbreaking Modular Micro LED Technology at CES
Samsung Unveils The Future of Displays with Groundbreaking Modular Micro LED Technology at CES
  • Yelin Jung [WikiLeaks Korea]
  • 승인 2019.01.08 14:56
  • 수정 2019.01.08 14:56
  • 댓글 0
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한종희 삼성전자 영상디스플레이 사업부장 사장은 6일(현지시각) CES 2019에서 전 세계 500여명의 미디어가 참석한 가운데 ‘마이크로 LED’를 적용한 75형 스크린을 세계 최초로 공개하고, AI 시대의 스크린 혁신에 대한 비전을 공유했다. [사진=삼성전자 제공]

Samsung Electronics on Monday introduced its latest innovations in modular Micro LED display technology during its annual First Look CES event at the Aria Resort & Casino in Las Vegas. The revolutionary new Micro LED technology designs featured at the event included: a new 75” display, a 219” The Wall as well as other various groundbreaking sizes, shapes and configurations for a next-generation modular Micro LED display – a 2019 CES Best of Innovation Award winner.

“For decades, Samsung has lead the way in next-generation display innovation,” said Jonghee Han, President of Visual Display Business at Samsung Electronics. “Our Micro LED technology is at the forefront of the next screen revolution with intelligent, customizable displays that excel in every performance category. Samsung Micro LED has no boundaries, only endless possibilities.”

Featuring leading-edge self-emissive technology and modular capabilities, Samsung’s Micro LED displays deliver unparalleled picture quality, versatility and design. These transformative TV displays are made up of individual modules of self-emissive Micro LEDs, featuring millions of inorganic red, green and blue microscopic LED chips that emit their own light to produce brilliant colors on screen – delivering unmatched picture quality that surpasses any display technology currently available on the market.

At last year’s CES, Samsung introduced Micro LED by unveiling The Wall, the critically acclaimed, award-winning 146” Micro LED display. Due to the technical advancements in the ultra-fine pitch semiconductor packaging process that narrow the gap between the microscopic LED chips, Samsung has been able to create a stunning 4K Micro LED display in a smaller, more home-friendly 75” form factor.

Thanks to the modular nature of Micro LED, this technology offers flexibility in screen size that allows users to customize it to fit any room or space. By adding Micro LED modules, users can expand their display to any size they desire. The modular functionality of Micro LED will allow users in the future to create the ultimate display even at irregular 9×3, 1×7 or 5×1 screen sizes that suits their spatial, aesthetic and functional needs.

Samsung’s Micro LED technology also optimizes the content no matter the size and shape of the screen. Even when adding more modules, Samsung Micro LED displays can scale to increase the resolution — all while keeping the pixel density constant. Additionally, Micro LED can support everything from the standard 16:9 content, to 21:9 widescreen films, to unconventional aspect ratios like 32:9, or even 1:1 – without having to make any compromises in its picture quality.

Finally, because Micro LED displays are bezel-free, there are no borders between modules – even when you add more. The result is a seamless, stunning infinity pool effect that allows the display to elegantly blend into any living environment. The possibilities for eye-catching designs are only enhanced by new Ambient Mode features.

[WikiLeaks Korea=By Yelin Jung]

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