SK Telecom Offers World’s First Live TV Sports Broadcasting Using 5G Network
SK Telecom Offers World’s First Live TV Sports Broadcasting Using 5G Network
  • Junhyeok Shin / WikiLeaks Korea
  • 승인 2019.05.15 10:44
  • 수정 2019.05.15 10:44
  • 댓글 0
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(SK Telecom)
(SK Telecom)

SEOUL, KOREA – May 15, 2019 – SK Telecom (NYSE:SKM) announced that it will offer live broadcast of ‘SK Telecom Open 2019’ on both JTBC Golf, a TV channel operated by JTBC, and ‘oksusu,’ Korea’s largest OTT video service, using its commercial 5G network.

SK Telecom Open 2019 is a professional golf tournament held as part of the Korea Professional Golfers’ Association (KPGA) Korean Tour. The event will take place at SKY72 Golf & Resort located in Incheon, Korea, from May 16 to 19.

In collaboration with JTBC, SK Telecom will broadcast live the golf tournament on JTBC Golf for selective areas of the golf course, which marks the worlds’ first case where 5G network is used for live TV broadcasting of a sports event. To realize live transmission of video taken by broadcast cameras on the field during the tournament over 5G network, the company has secured 5G coverage for the third, fourth and ninth holes of the course and equipped the cameras with a 5G module.

Traditional golf broadcasting involves the cumbersome process of installing wired cables throughout the golf course and having outside broadcasting (OB) vans send the video taken by on-field cameras to the master/sub control rooms of the broadcasting network. By removing the need for both costly OB vans and cables, 5G-based live broadcasting can bring innovative changes to the broadcasting field.

Moreover, the company will temporarily operate a special section called ‘SK Telecom Open 2019’ at oksusu to offer 5G-based live streaming of the golf tournament and related video clips to deliver an enriched 5G experience for oksusu viewers.

“As 5G-based live broadcasting is subject to no physical constraints, it can be widely utilized in areas including sporting events and on-site news reports,” said Kim Hyuk, Vice President and Head of 5GX Media Business Group of SK Telecom. “SK Telecom will continue to work closely with broadcasting networks to contribute to the advancement of the broadcasting system through 5G technologies.”

Meanwhile, the company has also entered into MOUs with top three terrestrial broadcasters in Korea – KBS, MBC and SBS – to jointly develop a live broadcasting system based on the capabilities of its 5G network.

[WikiLeaks Korea=By Junhyeok Shin]

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