[WikiLeaks Survey] If peace on the Korean Peninsula, to whom should the Nobel Peace Prize be granted?
[WikiLeaks Survey] If peace on the Korean Peninsula, to whom should the Nobel Peace Prize be granted?
  • 강혜원 기자
  • 승인 2018.04.30 10:09
  • 수정 2018.04.30 10:09
  • 댓글 0
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‘If a breakthrough is made from the risk of war to peace structure in the Korean peninsula, who should win the Nobel Peace Prize?’

While controversy for pros and cons is heating up, it is common assessment that the April 27(4.27) inter-Korean summit laid the foundation for building a peace structure on the Korean Peninsula.

If the U.S.-North Korea summit scheduled to take place within the next several weeks is successfully completed and, as a result, the Korean peninsula escapes from the risk of war, it is highly likely that people of the world may name the leaders who have made contributions for peace in the Peninsula as the candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Experts say that if the Korean Peninsula, one of the most dangerous powder kegs in the world, enters a state of peace, the world will experience a change of era from hostility and war to dialogue and compromise.

'WikiLeaks' conducted a (questionnaire) survey through Twitter on April 27, the very day the inter-Korean summit was held, on the theme “Who should win the Nobel Peace Prize if a breakthrough to peace is open at the inter-Korean summit?”

In the survey on 24,340 people, 54 percent of the participants responded that it would be desirable for the heads of 4 states to win a joint award, including North Korea's Secretary of State Kim Jong Un, and South Korea’s President Moon Jae In, China’s President Xi Jin Ping and U.S. President Donald Trump.

24 percent of the participants chose President Moon Jae In and Secretary Kim Jung Un, 15 percent named President Moon Jae In and 7 percent did President Xi Jin Ping and Moon Jae In.

The respondents thought that President Moon Jae In and Secretary Kim Jong Un created an arena of dialogue while U.S. President Trump and Chinese President Xi Jin Ping pressed Kim Jong Un, who has threatened the Korean Peninsula and the world with nuclear weapons, to come forward to the dialogue table.


Meanwhile, with the end of the April 27 inter-Korean summit, attention is turned over to the "Talk of the Century" between North Korea and the United States as the completion of the blueprint for the "complete denuclearization and establishment of a permanent peace regime" announced by the North and South leaders in the Panmunjom Declaration lies on the shoulders of the U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean Secretary of State Kim Jong Un.

The April 27 summit was a preliminary meeting. Whether the Korean peninsula will be on the road to true peace or return to the crisis of war again depends on upcoming outcome of the U.S.-North Korean summit meeting.

Unquestionably, the most vital agenda of the U.S.-North Korean summit meeting is denuclearization. President Trump wrote a welcome tweet shortly after Panmunjom Declaration since it included complete denuclearization.

Experts see, however, that it is not easy to be optimistic about the U.S.-North Korean summit just as President Trump avowed. While the inter-Korean summit declared the goal of ‘realization of a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula through complete denuclearization’ as a common goal, the detailed roadmap to denuclearization has yet to be confirmed.

Diplomats in Washington are taking note on how President Trump and Secretary Kim, will narrow the distance of their positions on denuclearization at the negotiating table.

The United States is unwilling to lift the most stringent restrictions on North Korea to avoid repeating the past failures of being fooled by North Korea while giving the secluded country enough time to develop nuclear missiles whereas North Korea intends to obtain maximum possible benefits in return such as guarantee of the existence of its regime and economic compensations through incremental approach. Thus, fierce tit-for-tats are now predicted to be up ahead in a series of future working level negotiations.

[WikiLeaks Korea=Lee Kyung ah/ Co-work with TransMecca]



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