From tokens to networks...Anifan, pioneering the new paradigm of blockchain
From tokens to networks...Anifan, pioneering the new paradigm of blockchain
  • 양철승 기자
  • 승인 2019.12.26 09:16
  • 수정 2019.12.26 09:16
  • 댓글 0
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The firm launched a new blockchain-based document management system
In August last year, Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan was having an interview in a Korean TV program after having signed a contract for the construction of a 'Blockchain-based Movie Investment System' with the 7SIX9 Entertainment, one of the most famous entertainment firms in the US founded by Jerry Greenberg, a global music business legend. [Courtesy of Anifan]
In August last year, Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan was having an interview in a Korean TV program after having signed a contract for the construction of a 'Blockchain-based Movie Investment System' with the 7SIX9 Entertainment, one of the most famous entertainment firms in the US founded by Jerry Greenberg, a global music business legend. [Courtesy of Anifan]

A Korean data technology (DT) firm, Anifan is pioneering a new paradigm in the blockchain industry by launching a new concept of the blockchain system beyond the traditional blockchain technology centered on coins (tokens).

Anifan announced the launch of 'Anicerti', blockchain-based document management and security system, for the first time in Korea on December 26.

Considered one of the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, blockchain has been highlighted as the core technology of the cryptocurrencies represented by Bitcoin on the basis of its invincible security. known to be ultimately anti-piracy and anti-counterfeiting. However, the industry experts pointed out that the launch of true blockchain applications, such as decentralized application (Dapp), which utilizes the technological potential of blockchain in full, has been delayed as the incorporation of blockchain has been concentrated on the token area.

Anicerti is the Anifan's answer to such a situation.

'Anicerti' by Anifan is a document management and security service utilizing the characteristics of blockchain that do not allow counterfeiting, and the block structure of Etherium that enables the data registration. [Image courtesy of Anifan]
'Anicerti' by Anifan is a document management and security service utilizing the characteristics of blockchain that do not allow counterfeiting, and the block structure of Etherium that enables the data registration. [Image courtesy of Anifan]

Anicerti is an anti-counterfeiting and certification system utilizing strong security of the Etherium-based cryptocurrency 'New Friend Coin (NFRD)' developed by Anifan, and the blockchain network. This is a service utilizing the characteristics of blockchain that do not allow counterfeiting and modification of data, and the block structure of Etheriuim that enables the data registration.

Not only businesses but also individuals can use it in a variety of ways including the prevention of counterfeiting certificates or products, and authentication of important jewelry, luxurious goods, antiques and art pieces. The system acquires NFRD to pay for the issuance of a certificate, and stores the relevant records permanently in an Etherium network where modification and deletion are impossible.

Mr. Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan said, "Anicerti will be a trigger of the paradigm shift in the global Dapp ecosystem," and "We will focus our core capabilities to create an opportunity for the outcomes of our R&D including Payment Gateway, B2B, B2C and kiosk platforms to be utilized in everyday life."

Jerry Greenberg, President of 7SIX9 Entertainment and Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan. [Courtesy of Anifan]
Jerry Greenberg, President of 7SIX9 Entertainment and Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan. [Courtesy of Anifan]

Anifan is a firm founded by alumni of Seoul National University as core members, which is specialized in blockchain and artificial intelligence. CEO Mr. Lee Gyeong-chan graduated from the Seoul National University Graduate School of Law, and worked as the man in charge of a government computing system construction project. While managing several financial firms, he has invested in IT industry.

Thanks to such manpower and constant R&D efforts, Anifan managed to land a contract with 7SIX9 Entertainment, an entertainment firm founded by Hollywood tycoon Jerry Greenberg last year for the construction of a 'Blockchain-based Movie Investment System' that allows investing in Hollywood contents from anywhere in the world, which was seen as acknowledgement of the firm's exceptional technology.

A blockchain system developed by the pure Korean technology was successfully exported to the US, the home of blockchain, and moreover, it's to Hollywood, the center of the American culture. As soon as the news was known at the time, requests for interviewing Mr. Lee rushed in from the various Korean press.

Lee Da-un, Vice President of Anifan (left) was having a photo session after signing the business agreement on the construction of the blockchain-based network for oil and gas trading in January 2019 at the Beijing head office of Datang Holdings, China's state-owned firm. [Courtesy of Anifan]
Lee Da-un, Vice President of Anifan (left) was having a photo session after signing the business agreement on the construction of the blockchain-based network for oil and gas trading in January 2019 at the Beijing head office of Datang Holdings, China's state-owned firm. [Courtesy of Anifan]

Also, this year, a series of remarkable overseas achievements have been announced. In January, Anifan signed a business agreement on the construction of a blockchain-based network for oil and gas trading with China's state-owned renewable energy firm, Tadang Holdings, and on December 6th, it signed an investment agreement with Chongqing Taewonbo Science and Technology Co. Ltd. that had noted Anifan for its growth potential.

Furthermore, in November, Anifan agreed on promotion of a project to process the data of China's prestigious university, Fudan University and its hospitals on a blockchain network. Anifan and Fudan University plan to found an independent joint firm in China, which will conduct the relevant project.

Mr. Lee emphasized, "All of the Anifan's achievements are the evidence of the blockchain paradigm shift from tokens to networks," and "In the future, we will continue to lead the industry through constant R&D."

(From left) Kim Dong-yun, Vice President of Anifan, Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan, Lee Seung-jae, President of Chongqing Taewonbo Science and Technology Co. Ltd., and Chang Wi-myeong, Executive of Chongqing Taewonbo Science and Technology Co. Ltd. were having a photo session after signing an investment agreement on December 6th at Chongqing Taewonbo Science and Technology Co. Ltd. located in Chongqing, China. [Courtesy of Anifan]
(From left) Kim Dong-yun, Vice President of Anifan, Lee Gyeong-chan, CEO of Anifan, Lee Seung-jae, President of Chongqing Taewonbo Science and Technology Co. Ltd., and Chang Wi-myeong, Executive of Chongqing Taewonbo Science and Technology Co. Ltd. were having a photo session after signing an investment agreement on December 6th at Chongqing Taewonbo Science and Technology Co. Ltd. located in Chongqing, China. [Courtesy of Anifan]

[WikileaksKorea=Chul Seung, Yang]

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