Hahn & Company Begins Strategic Merger of Cynosure and Lutronic
Hahn & Company Begins Strategic Merger of Cynosure and Lutronic
  • Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter
  • 승인 2024.04.03 16:15
  • 수정 2024.04.03 16:15
  • 댓글 0
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Hahn & Company has successfully completed the acquisition of Cynosure and is now preparing for their integration of Cynosure and Lutronic, uniting two leading global providers of energy-based medical aesthetic treatment systems under the parent company Cynosure Lutronic, Inc. 

This merger will usher in a new chapter for the aesthetics industry, with Cynosure Lutronic set to raise global aesthetic standards, united by a commitment to innovation, excellence, and safety.

The strategic merger is designed to leverage both companies' considerable expertise and resources, presenting a suite of products and services while ensuring comprehensive customer service and aesthetic solutions. 

Enhanced by a collective global presence and bolstered research and development capabilities, Cynosure Lutronic is well-positioned to maintain the ongoing delivery of innovative, market-leading solutions and support to customers. 

"Uniting Cynosure and Lutronic signifies a bold step towards reshaping the landscape of medical aesthetics. This merger embodies our collective dedication to pushing boundaries and ensuring excellence in customer experience," said Nadav Tomer, who will be CEO of the newly merged entity.

In alignment with the new strategic direction, Hahn & Company has also announced the future Cynosure Lutronic key leadership appointments to guide the new organization into its next chapter of growth and innovation:

In addition to Nadav Tomer as CEO, the Cynosure Lutronic Executive Leadership Team also includes Bob Howe as Chief Financial Officer; DenaRae Walter as Chief Human Resources Officer; Sean Flanagan as Chief Legal Officer; Jae Hoon Yoo as Chief Operations Officer; Lowinn Kibbey as President of North America; Hauke Harms as President of International; Hyun Min Shin as SVP of R&D; Yoon Dong Kim as Chief Integration Officer; and Nirav Desai as VP, Regulatory Affairs & Quality Assurance.

As the organization progresses, it remains committed to fostering innovation and delivering exceptional products and services to the medical aesthetics sector. 

The unified vision of Cynosure Lutronic and Hahn & Company will drive the evolution of the industry, introducing groundbreaking solutions that meet the dynamic needs of customers and partners worldwide.

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter]


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