Insadol brought in from France... back to Europe after 46 years
Insadol brought in from France... back to Europe after 46 years
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2024.01.31 10:39
  • 수정 2024.01.31 10:39
  • 댓글 0
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Swiss Medicines Agency approves generic drug items
Dongguk Pharmaceutical Co. "Export discussions with several European countries, including Switzerland"

The national gum drug Insadol, which was recently approved as a general drug by the European Swiss Medicines Agency, is a product that Dongkuk Pharmaceutical purchased and released in 1978 from French pharmaceutical company Sopam.

When there was no concept of gum disease, Dongkuk Pharmaceutical brought in Insadol and emphasized the need for gum health. In this way, Insadol has grown into a leading gum medicine brand in Korea, attracting the public's attention.

After a long period of research, Dongguk Pharmaceutical released its gum drug "Indol Plus," a herbal medicine complex ingredient patented in 2014.

It is a product that reinforces the effect by adding flakes extract to the existing ingredient, corn undetected quantitative extract. Each ingredient is mixed in the optimal ratio to exert synergy and acts on the outside and inside of the gums at once.

It has solidified its position as a gum medicine master by using big stars such as national actor Choi Bul-am, Lee Bo-young, and Park Ji-sung as models for advertisements.

Insadol will enter Europe to mark the 46th anniversary of its release in Korea.

Dongkuk Pharmaceutical, which has domestic copyright and trademark rights, has been granted permission to export Insadol to Switzerland, allowing it to enter the European market.

Dongguk Pharmaceutical explained that it is meaningful in that it has been recognized for its effectiveness in early periodontal diseases, including early gum inflammation, by regulatory agencies in leading pharmaceutical advanced countries.

"Although it is still difficult to reveal the details, we are pursuing additional registered sales of Insadol with several European countries," a Dongkuk Pharmaceutical official said. "We plan to carry out active marketing activities such as academic symposiums to accelerate the expansion of the European market."

When Insadol was released in Korea, Dongkuk Pharmaceutical was in charge of producing, manufacturing, and selling domestic raw materials, but overseas sales were not possible because the Insadol trademark was in Sopam.

Since then, Dongkuk Pharmaceutical has been transferred to the trademark in 2020, allowing it to export back to Europe.

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]

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