U.S. Newsweek: Asan Medical Center in Seoul tops 'Hospital Evaluation' in South Korea
U.S. Newsweek: Asan Medical Center in Seoul tops 'Hospital Evaluation' in South Korea
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2024.03.04 15:52
  • 수정 2024.03.04 15:52
  • 댓글 0
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Asan Medical Center in Seoul ranked 22nd in the world, the highest among Korean hospitals, in a hospital evaluation conducted by the U.S. weekly Newsweek.

According to the hospital on the 4th, Newsweek announced the "2024 World's Best Hospitals" ranking on Newsweek's official site, combining recommendations and patient satisfaction received from 85,000 medical experts from 30 countries with Statista, a global research agency.

Asan Medical Center in Seoul ranked 22nd in the world, up seven notches from last year, matching leading hospitals representing countries such as the United States, Canada, and Germany.

In the survey, which selected 250 out of more than 2,400 hospitals around the world, the world's No. 1 hospital was the Mayo Clinic in the United States.

The Cleveland Clinic in the U.S., Toronto General Hospital in Canada, Johns Hopkins Hospital in the U.S., and Massachusetts General Hospital in the U.S. were ranked second to fifth in the world.

The evaluation items include ▲ an online survey of 85,000 doctors, health experts, and hospital managers in 30 countries (45%) ▲ medical performance indicators (35.25%) ▲ patient satisfaction survey (16.25%) ▲ self-assessment of patient health status.

In the case of domestic hospitals, the results of the evaluation of the adequacy of intensive care units, acute diseases, cancers, and drugs conducted by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service and the patient experience evaluation of doctors, nurses, and hospital environments were reflected in the examination.

"In the second half of last year, Newsweek ranked first in Korea in six categories, including endocrine, urology, digestive, nerve, heart, and heart surgery," an official at Asan Medical Center in Seoul said. "In the world ranking, we ranked 10th in five categories, including endocrine, 4th in urology, 5th in digestive system, 6th in cancer, and 8th in nerve."

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]


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