"Shin Shin-Pas 'Alex', Korea's first pain relief patch.. 65 years of know-how."
"Shin Shin-Pas 'Alex', Korea's first pain relief patch.. 65 years of know-how."
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2024.03.08 11:39
  • 수정 2024.03.08 11:39
  • 댓글 0
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New TV commercials start in March

Korea's representative pain reliever "Sinpas Arex" unveiled a new TV commercial.

Shinshin Pharmaceutical will be on-air from March by introducing this year's TV commercial featuring the characteristics of Shinshinpas Arex, which boasts excellent effects on muscle pain and joint pain.

The advertisement emphasized the characteristics of Arex, which specializes in muscle pain and joint pain, with the message of "running right away, working right away, working right away, and overcoming right away."

It also expressed that it is a pain relief patch for Koreans, who boast the No. 1 power of a patch brand, while drawing consumer sympathy through a dynamic image of consumers of various ages overcoming pain through pain relief patches in their daily lives.

The model for the commercial once again cast actor Kim Joo-heon, who was with the 2020 commercial.

Shin-Sinpas Arex is a product that combines 65 years of know-how in manufacturing pain relief patches that have been accumulated since Shin-Sin Pharmaceutical made Korea's first pain relief patches in 1959.

At the same time as attachment, cold swelling is removed and gradually converted to hotness, which helps blood circulation and has an excellent effect on pain care.

Recently, Shinxin Pharmaceutical has been leading the evolution of PAS by releasing the flex series "Shinx Arex Mild Cataplasma," which provides moisture and improves adhesion by applying Shinxin Pharmaceutical's own high-contact hydrogel technology.

Roh Hyun-min, marketing director, said, "I wanted to give a supportive message to modern people who live their best every day despite various pains," adding, "I hope that many people will feel the effect of Shin-Sinpas Arex, which helps overcome pain by working properly on muscle and joint pain."

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]


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