Seong Seok-je Cheil Pharmaceutical said, "The sale of large-scale items has ended, but the surplus has turned into a surplus."
Seong Seok-je Cheil Pharmaceutical said, "The sale of large-scale items has ended, but the surplus has turned into a surplus."
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2024.03.20 15:59
  • 수정 2024.03.20 15:59
  • 댓글 0
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7th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

Cheil Pharma Holdings held the 64th regular shareholders' meeting at its headquarters in Seocho-gu on the 20th.

At the shareholders' meeting, Cheil Pharma Holdings reported major business performance, including 840 billion won in consolidated sales and 20.8 billion won in operating profit last year.

In addition, financial statements and consolidated financial statements, re-election of outside directors and audit committee members, and approval of the remuneration limit for directors were approved as originally planned.

Han Sang-chul, CEO of Cheil Pharma Holdings, said, "It has been a difficult time as economic uncertainty persists around the world, but we have secured sustainable growth engines and improved profitability at the same time."

Cheil Pharmaceutical then held the 7th regular shareholders' meeting and reported major business performance, including sales of 726.4 billion won and operating profit of 8.7 billion won last year.

"Despite the difficult business environment in which sales of large-scale items are terminated, large-scale generic items have been newly established and succeeded in turning into a surplus," said Sung Seok-je, CEO of Cheil Pharmaceutical. "Environmental changes such as inflation, rising raw materials, and interest rate hikes will cause many difficulties in corporate management, but we will use this environment as a springboard for leap forward to pioneer a bigger future."

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]

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