[20 years since ID Hospital opened] 30 bed hospital rooms, 60 specialists
[20 years since ID Hospital opened] 30 bed hospital rooms, 60 specialists
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2024.04.03 11:14
  • 수정 2024.04.03 11:14
  • 댓글 0
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Commemorative event proceedings

ID Hospital held an event to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its opening at Yangjae The K Hotel Seoul on the 1st to mark the 20th anniversary of its opening.

ID Hospital, which opened in 2004 as a facial bone specialist Park Sang-hoon plastic surgery clinic, moved to its current new office in 2015 after opening ID Dental Clinic in 2005, expanding medical subjects in 2009, and ID Dermatology Clinic in 2013.

More than 60 specialists reside at ID Hospital's headquarters, which has a total area of 9657.49㎡, a waiting room that can accommodate 237 people at the same time, and an inpatient room of 30 hospitals.

All employees attended the event to shine. At the event, which was attended by about 800 people, ID Hospital celebrated its 20th anniversary, looked back on the past years, and pledged to make a leap toward sustainable growth.

They watched 20th anniversary videos, held ID talk concerts, presented management visions, and held award ceremonies for service and model awards.

He presented his vision of management such as 'Sustainable Super Gap' and 'id JUMP to the X (jumping to X)' and presented his direction. In addition, he praised a total of 41 people, including four members of the board of directors, for their hard work by awarding service awards and model awards to a total of 17 people.

Park Sang-hoon, director of the hospital, said, "The hospital, which started with empathy and innovation for patients, has presented a fundamental solution to beauty. This is a place to commemorate the 20-year history of ID Hospital, which has achieved both growth and calling."

"IDUS was at the moment in the history of ID Hospital, which has been reborn as Korea's largest beauty medical institution," he said, adding, "We will proceed by keeping the ID Hospital's calling on beauty."

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]


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