Samsung Live Broadcasts ‘Mobile World Live TV’ Over Its 5G Network at MWC19 Barcelona
Samsung Live Broadcasts ‘Mobile World Live TV’ Over Its 5G Network at MWC19 Barcelona
  • Yelin Jung [WikiLeaks Korea]
  • 승인 2019.02.19 18:30
  • 수정 2019.02.19 18:30
  • 댓글 0
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Samsung Electronics today announced that it will live broadcast the GSMA’s ‘Mobile World Live TV’, the official media channel of MWC19 Barcelona, using its 5G network. During MWC19 Barcelona, the channel will air live on big screens throughout the Fira Gran Via venue and the lobbies and bedrooms of more than 280 hotels in Barcelona, as well as stream live globally. Interviews, features and keynotes from renowned industry leaders will be broadcast live over five days.

Mobile World Live TV is the video broadcast service that provides telecommunications content throughout MWC each year. This year marks the first trial of 5G live broadcasting in the history of Mobile World Live TV.

Throughout the broadcast, Samsung’s 5G solutions will be used, which are composed of a radio access unit (5G Radio) and a 5G router (CPE), powering the content shot by the High Definition Television Video (HDTV) camera at the booth of Mobile World Live TV located in Broadcast Village, Gran Via.

Previously, fiber-based backhaul was used for transmission from Mobile World Live TV’s booth to its production facility. This year’s transmission will be supported by Samsung’s 5G network, which is effective in overcoming the physical limitations of a fiber-based network. 5G broadcast offers ultra-low latency for the transmission of large files such as video content.

“We are thrilled to demonstrate how our latest technology can make an outstanding difference in creating new possibilities for broadcast at MWC19 Barcelona, the largest trade show in the mobile industry,” said GY Seo, Senior Vice President and Head of Global Sales & Marketing, Networks Business at Samsung Electronics. “Samsung is committed to meeting market demands of larger capacity and ultra-low latency attributed to the advancement of the entertainment industry.”

“Mobile World Live TV has a history of using mobile technology to power its broadcast, with 4G cameras supporting live transmission from across Fira Gran Via and the city of Barcelona in previous years. For 2019 we are excited to broadcast using Samsung’s 5G network, enabling true seamless transmission without latency,” said Justin Springham, Director of Media Content and Broadcast, GSMA. “Mobile World Live TV and Samsung will be at the forefront of offering immersive user experiences thanks to this 5G broadcast.”

As the power of broadcasting lies with immediate engagement and interaction with viewers, the network used for broadcasting a live channel should be able to support seamless transmission of high-quality and large-capacity content via televisions and other electronic devices without experiencing latency. User experiences with broadcast are essential in determining the capabilities of 5G network solutions to support live broadcast more broadly in the future.

Meanwhile, following its world’s first complete commercialization of 5G FWA solutions, comprised of 5G radio (access unit and virtualized RAN), 5G routers and next-generation core in February 2018, Samsung brought one of the smallest integrated FCC-certified 5G radio base stations and 5G home routers (CPEs) to the market. In addition to its successful commercialization of 5G services across the U.S., Samsung has been selected by one of the major Korean operators as a 5G vendor.

[WikiLekas Korea=By Yelin Jung]

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