"Ostem's misconduct by an American factory employee." I actually checked..
"Ostem's misconduct by an American factory employee." I actually checked..
  • Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter
  • 승인 2023.12.12 16:09
  • 수정 2023.12.12 16:09
  • 댓글 0
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Ostem said, "Isn't media coverage true? Strong legal action such as corruption reports."
"In fact, I checked and found that there was no misconduct by factory employees." Conclusion

Ostem Implant explained that this is different from the fact about the misconduct of employees during the expansion of the factory of a local U.S. subsidiary reported in the media.

As a result of confirming the fact, there was no misconduct by factory employees, and the government plans to take strong legal action against the media company, including correction reports.

"It is true that the expansion of the U.S. corporate production headquarters has been suspended," Ostem said in a statement on Wednesday. "However, the reason is not due to misconduct reported by the construction company and its employees, but to requests for additional payment, and delays in the construction schedule due to problems with the construction company and subcontractors."

The company plans to ask the media to correct these facts, and if appropriate measures are not taken, we will respond strongly through legal measures such as filing a complaint with the Media Arbitration Commission, as non-factual reports can seriously damage the reputation of the company and its employees.

Earlier, MBN reported that construction company C falsely claimed material costs, material orders and payments were not paid, and there were misconducts, such as A, a working-level official at Ostem's local subsidiary, and B, a resident, knowing this, falsely reported to the headquarters.

MBN also reported that the headquarters tried to cover up the incident even though it was aware of the employee's misconduct, saying that the executive of the headquarters ordered the company to review the plan to continue even after the incident.

Regarding the suspension of the construction, Ostem explained, "Company C, the city's construction company, requested an increase of $3 million in construction costs in September due to design changes and cost increases, and various problems with the construction company were revealed in the process of reviewing its feasibility."

"The employees are actively engaged in the investigation to the extent that they agree to disclose the transaction details of their personal bank accounts and strongly deny the contents of the misconduct," an Ostem official said. "The U.S. corporation has also conducted an internal investigation into the people in charge, but no special information has been revealed so far."

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter]


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