[Interview] Kim soo-hyun, Chairman of Jowin, "Cancer Patient App 'Cancer Away' goes straight to the global”
[Interview] Kim soo-hyun, Chairman of Jowin, "Cancer Patient App 'Cancer Away' goes straight to the global”
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2024.01.24 10:21
  • 수정 2024.01.24 04:25
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EBN meets with Chairman Kim soo-hyun of Jowin, cancer patient total care platform

- Started with a service to extend the life span and improve the quality of life of cancer patients
- Laid the foundation for global expansion through attracting 5 million $ of investment from venture capital
- Provide psychological healing services through cancer counselors (Cansultant)

 Chairman Kim soo-hyun  [EBN Kim, Nam-Hee Reporter]
 Chairman Kim soo-hyun  [EBN Kim, Nam-Hee Reporter]

“Aria, Help Me.”

With the news that an artificial intelligence (AI) speaker saved the life of an elderly man in his 80s, the platform was once again put in the spotlight. Cancer patients with special care needs can now receive diet, nutrition, and care services through a one-on-one customized platform.

Sadly, 19.3 million people around the globe are diagnosed with cancer each year, and 10 million die from it. When it is determined that aggressive chemotherapy is no longer possible, most of them are shocked and devastated. However, terminal cancer patients are still patients who need medical care. The only difference is that the purpose of treatment has changed from "curing cancer" or "prolonging life" to "living a life without pain."

Jowin, which trains 'cancer consultants' (Cansultants) who are in charge of comprehensive care for cancer patients, is a bio-venture company that has been engaged in life-extension projects for terminally ill cancer patients for many years. Based on the natural mineral-based anti-cancer herbal drug ingredient 'Unbije', Jowin supply sulforaphane and tryptophan for cancer patients.

Jowin Chairman Kim soo-hyun, whom EBN met, saw the medical situation of terminally ill cancer patients who were neglected. In the process, Chairman Kim soo-hyun noted that the mental health and care of cancer patients affect the patient's lifespan and prognosis.

Jowin provided
Jowin provided

Since the beginning of last year, Jowin has been preparing for the Cansultant training course, which is a cancer counselor. Cansultant provides counseling on psychological health management for cancer patients, as well as diet and exercise. Considering the patient's condition and location, Jowin partnered with hospitals across the country.

The counseling platform is the remote counseling app 'Cancer Away'. Regarding this, Chairman Kim explained, "Inspired by the situation where cancer patients have to search, inquire, and receive counseling one by one, we have prepared a platform that provides total care services necessary for cancer patients, such as dry food and diet information suitable for cancer patient care, as well as psychological healing." In the future, overseas will even conduct telemedicine for cancer patients through Cancer Away

According to the Korean Society of Medical Oncology and the Korean Society of Anti-Cancer Therapy, more than half (52%) of the difficulties that cancer patients face during the treatment process after cancer diagnosis are due to 'physical/disease difficulties'. This was followed by "emotional difficulties" (42%). The research group explained that cancer patients learn about cancer in the order of doctors (44 percent), patients (24 percent), online communities (18 percent), and YouTube (14 percent). Accordingly, the research group diagnosed, "It is necessary to strengthen communication with patients and medical staff, as well as increase access to official cancer information sites such as the 'National Cancer Information Center.'"

The society asked patients to "6 things a wise cancer patient should remember." ▲Discuss the treatment that suits you with a specialist ▲Take care of your mental health ▲Actively inform about side effects ▲Maintain a happy and healthy daily life ▲Emphasis on medically proven treatment ▲The keyword of anti-cancer treatment is 'hope'.

 Jowin Provided
 Jowin Provided

In this regard, Jowin plans to secure global users through the cancer patient care platform 'Cancer Away' and train 'Cansultant', cancer counselors who speak the necessary English, in the Philippines. Through this, it will communicate with cancer patients in English-speaking regions and provide them with the counseling they need.

Along with building a global cancer patient platform, Jowin is also conducting research activities for cancer treatment. There is a substance called sulforaphane, which is an extract of broccoli sprouts that has been shown to be effective in eliminating cancer-causing substances through research at Johns Hopkins University in the United States. It is known that it boosts the body's immunity and has excellent antioxidant activity, which can inhibit the expression and growth of cancer cells. Jowin conducted an observational clinical trial of sulforaphane in 20 cancer hospitals and related cancer patients, and confirmed its effectiveness in reducing cancer-related pain.

However, sulforaphane has a problem that its efficacy disappears at room temperature, so there was a limit to maximizing its efficacy. Accordingly, Jowin explained that it has signed an exclusive contract with a bio venture company that has succeeded in precisely extracting and preserving sulforaphane.
Based on this, Jowin plans to launch the 'Superaphan' brand, which can be preserved for a long time by freezing. Through this, considering not only domestic but also overseas demand, the company is preparing to complete the construction of a factory that can be mass-produced within the first quarter.

Jowin Medical Advisory [Jowin Provided]
Jowin Medical Advisory [Jowin Provided]

Although the domestic bio industry is experiencing the worst financial difficulties, Jowin recently succeeded in attracting a 5 billion won investment from Glonet Venture Partners' based on its product technology and research results. With this investment, the company has begun to advance overseas through the 'Cancer Away' app, which is competitive in the cancer treatment market worth hundreds of trillions and cancer pain market worth more than 20 trillion won, and the Cancer Consultant, a cancer counselor.

In last July, it launched a remote cancer counseling app and trained and produced more than 50 cancer counselors. If a cansultant who is fluent in English is secured in the Philippines, he will be able to receive remote consultations from overseas.
Chairman Kim added, "It is very important for cancer patients to actively consult with experts about all processes of chemotherapy, and we will be with cancer patients as a companion who can discuss all aspects of their daily lives, such as psychology, food, exercise, and hobbies, through the platform 'Cancer Away.'"

Jowin Chairman Kim Soo-hyun (second from the left) and Wellness Medi CEO Santiago Edgardo (third from the left) are signing a business agreement on training English-language cancer specialist counselors in Manila, Philippines last August. [Provided by Jowin]
Jowin Chairman Kim Soo-hyun (second from the left) and Wellness Medi CEO Santiago Edgardo (third from the left) are signing a business agreement on training English-language cancer specialist counselors in Manila, Philippines last August. [Provided by Jowin]

He also expressed pride in Jowin's treatments and products. Jowin, which recently signed an agreement on ‘joint research on stem cell-based cancer treatment solutions’ with Mirae Biomedicine Co., Ltd., plans to advance cancer treatment research using stem cells. Chairman Kim explained that it is expected to provide better treatment options for cancer patients and help increase the effectiveness of cancer treatment.

Jowin will offer the mineral-based herbal drug 'Unbije' and 'Superaphan', which enhances the effect of the natural anti-cancer substance sulforaphane verified by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, as its core competitiveness. At the same time, 'Kitophan', which increases the brain absorption rate of tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, is being used as a solution in more than 20 affiliated cancer hospitals in Korea and overseas.

Chairman Kim said, "There are many studies and papers on cancer treatment using stem cells. He said that Jowin's goal for this year is to develop more effective solutions as well as observational clinical trials, adding, "In addition to stem cells, Jowin's direction is to raise the level of cancer treatment and increase the ability of counselors by enhancing immunity through NK cell activation, and this attempt at integrative medicine is expected to have a positive impact on global expansion."


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