"A Warmer World with Pictures!" AIGA Young-hwa Kim's Mexican Social Contribution Project Interested
"A Warmer World with Pictures!" AIGA Young-hwa Kim's Mexican Social Contribution Project Interested
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.12.12 07:40
  • 수정 2023.12.12 05:40
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Artist AIGA Young-hwa Kim's exhibition and Cointree children. / Courtesy of PADO
Artist AIGA Young-hwa Kim's exhibition and Cointree children. / Courtesy of PADO

"Make a better world with pictures."

The Field of Stars exhibition was held in Tulum, Mexico, on the 9th (local time). This exhibition is a three-nation cooperation project between Korea, the United States and Mexico, and is a global social contribution project linked to the "Golden Magic Moment" exhibition held by artist AIGA Young-hwa Kim in Seoul in November.

Proceeds from the exhibition will be donated to COINTREE, an international youth relief organization. Artist Kim will visit Cointree to teach young people art classes during the exhibition.

Ingull Jullien Jung(director of the gallery PADO in LA), who was in charge of the exhibition, said, "It seems like a job only for artists and art lovers, but I think it is something that should be supported and sympathized with as a member of society beyond the realm and field," adding, "We prepared such a project with the active response and participation of artist Kim."

Despite his busy schedule to hold a monthly exhibition this year, Kim has been planning this special exhibition with Gallery PADO. 

Drawing the Mariachi
Drawing the Mariachi

COINTREE is a youth relief organization run by YOUNG JUN HAN, a flower rich CEO. Artist Kim instilled great hope by presenting meditative yoga and meditative paintings with actor Yoon Dong-hwan.

A Mexican visitor who visited the exhibition said, "It was a great healing throughout the tour of the exhibition hall," adding, "Kim Young-hwa's magical painting, which can be placed horizontally or vertically, worked magic."

There were also many reactions saying, "I was healed by the color of nature-friendly mineral pigments" and "The more I get healed by the expression of oriental ink, the more I get healed." 

Director Jung said, "I'm in charge of the overall planning of this social contribution project, and I'm glad that the response is much better than I thought." YOUNH JUN HAN, CEO of Flower Rich, also said, "The students who participated in the exhibition said that it became a place to heal through painting."

Field of Stars exhibition
Field of Stars exhibition

Artist Kim, who majored in Korean painting, is well-known for her lively writing skills that Western painters do not have. Her drawing has already been recognized worldwide.

She was not only stagnant like a mountain or a still life, but also had skills close to a new pen to draw a walking scene of a model. Artist Kim also presented impromptu drawings to many people at this exhibition.

Kim is known as an artist who pioneered what he wants with the slogan "Dream comes true."

She has been working on the return of art to society. As an artist, he is donating his profits, or serving by practice.

In recent years, it has become popular not only as a painting exhibition but also as a social participating broadcaster. She appears on SBS BIz's Let's Work Village and draws and distributes pictures during the broadcast. It is said that the joy of the recipients of the painting gives him new vitality.

"When I was in trouble with my studies, I was able to continue studying with a warm hand," artist Kim said.

"I also want to heal the world with paintings through exhibitions and make every effort I can make for people who are in blind spots at home and abroad."

Buyer and CEO Kim Young-joon





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