[2024 JPMHC] Announces Growth Engines Like Celltrion, Yuhan Corporation, and Dong-A ST
[2024 JPMHC] Announces Growth Engines Like Celltrion, Yuhan Corporation, and Dong-A ST
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2024.01.11 17:30
  • 수정 2024.01.11 17:30
  • 댓글 0
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Celltrion "Building a Total of 22 Biosimilar Portfolio in 2030"
Yuhan Corporation "2 or more innovative new drugs will be launched globally in 2026"
It's called Rekraja. Allergic and immuno-oncology

The 2024 JPMorgan Healthcare Conference (JPMHC) is the world's largest pharmaceutical bio investment event held annually by the U.S. investment bank JPMorgan. It will be held in San Francisco on the 8th and will close on the 11th.

This year, more than 8,000 investors and 600 bio companies from around the world participated.

Domestic pharmaceutical and bio companies also participated in the JPMHC and shared the latest clinical data related to major new drug development candidates.

First, Celltrion unveiled its goal of building a total of 22 biosimilar portfolios by 2030.

Celltrion plans to build a total of 22 biosimilar portfolios by 2030, including six biosimilars such as Remsima and U-Flyma that have been released.

It plans to strengthen its global competitiveness by producing various items in a way that maximizes efficiency while being flexible. "If new drug sales are added to 22 biosimilars by 2030, we will achieve at least five times growth compared to current sales," said Seo Jin-seok, CEO of Celltrion.

Yuhan Corporation announced that it will launch more than two innovative new drugs in the global market by 2026.

YH35324 and YH32367, an immuno-oncology drug, were cited as the next pipelines to follow the new lung cancer drug Rekraza.

In particular, even though the allergy treatment is currently in the first phase of clinical trials, it quickly inhibits immunoglobulin E (IgE), the cause of allergies in the blood, compared to Novartis's existing treatment, Zoleer.

Dong-A ST signed a business agreement with Israeli company Eleven Therapeutics to develop a RNA-based gene therapy.

The two companies plan to conduct joint research to discover RNA treatments for fibrosis disease by utilizing Eleven's Tera platform technology. Through this, Dong-A ST plans to expand its R&D capabilities beyond its existing strength in synthetic new drugs to gene therapy.

SK Biopharmaceuticals is determined to create a surplus structure by growing sales of its new epilepsy drug "Cenobamate" released in the United States last year and continuously expanding its business.

Cenobamate's goal of achieving $1 billion in blockbuster sales in 2029 was explained.

[2024 JPMHC] Announces Growth Engines Like Celltrion, Yuhan Corporation, and Dong-A ST
Celltrion "Building a Total of 22 Biosimilar Portfolio in 2030"
Yuhan Corporation "2 or more innovative new drugs will be launched globally in 2026"
It's called Rekraja. Allergic and immuno-oncology

The 2024 JPMorgan Healthcare Conference (JPMHC) is the world's largest pharmaceutical bio investment event held annually by the U.S. investment bank JPMorgan. It will be held in San Francisco on the 8th and will close on the 11th.

This year, more than 8,000 investors and 600 bio companies from around the world participated.

Domestic pharmaceutical and bio companies also participated in the JPMHC and shared the latest clinical data related to major new drug development candidates.

First, Celltrion unveiled its goal of building a total of 22 biosimilar portfolios by 2030.

Celltrion plans to build a total of 22 biosimilar portfolios by 2030, including six biosimilars such as Remsima and U-Flyma that have been released.

It plans to strengthen its global competitiveness by producing various items in a way that maximizes efficiency while being flexible. "If new drug sales are added to 22 biosimilars by 2030, we will achieve at least five times growth compared to current sales," said Seo Jin-seok, CEO of Celltrion.

Yuhan Corporation announced that it will launch more than two innovative new drugs in the global market by 2026.

YH35324 and YH32367, an immuno-oncology drug, were cited as the next pipelines to follow the new lung cancer drug Rekraza.

In particular, even though the allergy treatment is currently in the first phase of clinical trials, it quickly inhibits immunoglobulin E (IgE), the cause of allergies in the blood, compared to Novartis's existing treatment, Zoleer.

Dong-A ST signed a business agreement with Israeli company Eleven Therapeutics to develop a RNA-based gene therapy.

The two companies plan to conduct joint research to discover RNA treatments for fibrosis disease by utilizing Eleven's Tera platform technology. Through this, Dong-A ST plans to expand its R&D capabilities beyond its existing strength in synthetic new drugs to gene therapy.

SK Biopharmaceuticals is determined to create a surplus structure by growing sales of its new epilepsy drug "Cenobamate" released in the United States last year and continuously expanding its business.

Cenobamate's goal of achieving $1 billion in blockbuster sales in 2029 was explained.

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]


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