Will "Wigobi," a gusty obesity 藥, be released by the end of the year? "Expected to cost 1.8 million won a month."
Will "Wigobi," a gusty obesity 藥, be released by the end of the year? "Expected to cost 1.8 million won a month."
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2024.04.09 11:04
  • 수정 2024.04.09 11:04
  • 댓글 0
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Novo Nordisk Korea "In short supply review.. Adjusting launch schedule"

Globally popular obesity treatment "Wegobi (component semaglutide)" is a glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) drug that was approved by the U.S. FDA in 2021.

It is prescribed in the United States, Denmark, and Germany, and was first released in Japan earlier this year in Asia.

In Korea, it was approved by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in April last year.

Novo Nordisk developed Ojemik as a treatment for diabetes called Wigobi. According to Wigobi's research, this drug has the effect of reducing the weight of obese patients by 15%.

Recently, the first obesity drug in the United States was approved for use in preventing cardiovascular problems.

In a clinical trial of about 17,600 people, patients who received weekly WeGovi had an overall reduced risk of dying from heart attacks, strokes and cardiovascular disease by 20%, according to the FDA.

Wigobi is in short supply, creating a global sensation, even though it costs nearly $1,350 (about 1.8 million won) a month without health insurance.

As it is known that such obesity treatment Wigobi will be released in Korea soon, the timing is drawing attention.

In this regard, Novo Nordisk Korea, which decides to release WeGovi in Korea, is taking a cautious stance.

An official from Novo Nordisk Korea said in a phone call with WikiLeaks Korea, "We are preparing Korea as the next country to be released, but we are reviewing to ensure that there is no shortage in terms of continuity of drugs," adding, "The release schedule has not been set because it is still in the early stages of discussion."

Earlier, Sasha Semienchuk, president of Novo Nordisk Korea, hinted at the possibility of a launch within this year.

Sasha Semienchuk, president of Novo Nordisk Korea, said in a media session held on the 4th, "Korea's obesity rate is 38%, the highest among Asian countries, which is a high ranking for the launch of WeGovi," adding, "We expect to meet the unmet demand of Korean patients soon."

Meanwhile, Novo Nordisk announced that it would increase WeGovie production by acquiring Catalan, a global pharmaceutical consignment production (CDMO) company, for $16.5 billion (about 22 trillion) this year.

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]


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