Samsung, Qualcomm and Verizon Showcase Rapid Progress Towards 5G NR Commercialization
Samsung, Qualcomm and Verizon Showcase Rapid Progress Towards 5G NR Commercialization
  • Yelin Jung [WikiLeaks Korea]
  • 승인 2018.12.06 10:40
  • 수정 2018.12.06 10:40
  • 댓글 0
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Samsung Electronics America, Qualcomm Technologies, a subsidiary of Qualcomm, and Verizon Wednesday announced a successful 5G New Radio (NR) data connection using 400MHz of bandwidth in the 28GHz spectrum, resulting in maximum throughput of more than 1.7 Gbps.

The data connection demonstrated the delivery of multi-gigabit 5G speeds to a smartphone form-factor mobile test device, with a focus on how users can experience a virtually seamless, uninterrupted data transmission using 3GPP 5G NR specification and dual connectivity (known as EN-DC). The test used Samsung’s commercial 5G NR and 4G LTE equipment to deliver the 5G NR data transmission using Verizon’s 28 GHz spectrum. This spotlights a rapid, stable and effective path to commercial 5G service using a Non-Standalone mode of operation with dual-connectivity that takes advantage of both 5G and LTE technology.

The data throughput of more than 1.7 Gbps was delivered to a Qualcomm Technologies’ smartphone form factor test device with a Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ X50 5G modem and antenna modules with integrated RF transceiver, RF front-end and antenna elements. This represents a smartphone form factor device that consumers will use on high-capacity, multi-gigabit 5G networks using mmWave spectrum. Testing occurred in Qualcomm Technologies’ San Diego, CA -based labs.

This 5G NR demonstration follows a recent announcement from Verizon of the company’s successful first data transmission on a 5G-upgradeable smartphone using a commercial 5G network in Providence, RI. That transmission used Samsung’s 5G NR solutions and the Snapdragon X50 5G modem, along with the groundbreaking Qualcomm® QTM052 mmWave antenna modules.

“Successful interoperation of multiple network technologies takes us another step closer to the commercialization of 5G mobility services,” said Woojune Kim, Senior Vice President and Head of North American Business at Samsung Electronics’ Networks Business. “We are proud to join with Verizon and Qualcomm Technologies to spotlight the next steps driving network evolution. The use of substantial mmWave spectrum and EN-DC demonstrates how a seamless 5G/LTE approach succeeds in delivering high-speed, high-capacity mobility on next-generation networks.”

“Verizon is leading the industry again with the first 5G NR standards connection leveraging multiple component carrier technology and our ultra wide band frequencies to achieve top 5G speeds,” said Ed Chan, senior vice president and chief technology architect for Verizon. “This is a demonstration of real 5G speed achieved through commercial grade Samsung network equipment and a Qualcomm chipset. Our strong partnership with Samsung and Qualcomm is truly accelerating the 5G ecosystem to deliver the 5G promise to our customer.”

[WikiLeaks Korea=By Yelin Jung]

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