Hyundai motor suggests a new generation vehicle, EV concept car 'Prophecy'
Hyundai motor suggests a new generation vehicle, EV concept car 'Prophecy'
  • 김지형 기자
  • 승인 2020.03.05 13:53
  • 수정 2020.03.05 14:20
  • 댓글 0
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Prophecy concept EV presents hyundai's future vision during video presentation
Hyundai motor's new Prophecy concept EV extends the company's 'Sensuous Sportiness' design philosophy

Hyundai Motor has unveiled its new ‘Prophecy’ Concept EV during a video presentation posted on showcasing the key elements of its styling and technology on Tuesday(March 3rd). Hyundai Prophecy EV Concept forecasts heat for Hyundai's future electric cars. Especially, Hyundai swap steering wheel for joysticks in Prophecy EV concept. Plus, the Prophecy cencept look a lot like something straingt out of the design book at Porche.

According to Hyundai, featuring the timeless design of a classic car, ‘Prophecy’ is inspired by the company’s ‘Sensuous Sportiness’ design philosophy. The new Sensuous Sportiness concept is autonomous-ready, and offers a "completely new yet reassuringly familar and intuitive driving experience" in the shape of two joysticks.

One of these is mounted to the door and the other to the raised center console, and they can both pivot left and right to control the direction of the vehicle in manual driving mode. Vehicle functions can be acessed via integrated button.

The lack of steering wheel means there are no visual obstruction to the pillar-to pillar digital display or the windshield, but joysticks control may take some getting used to.

It embodies ‘Optimistic Futurism’, which focuses on the emotional link between humans and automobiles by balancing nature and technology, emotion and practicality.

The unveiling presentation also covered the company’s electrification strategy, with discussion among three executives: Thomas Schemera, Head of Product Division at Hyundai Motor Group; Luc Donckerwolke, Chief Design Officer at Hyundai Motor Group; and Andreas-Christoph Hofmann, Vice President Marketing & Product at Hyundai Motor Europe.

Hyundai Motor Group is expanding its product line-up to include 44 electrified vehicles, and Hyundai Motor Company alone plans to invest almost 50 billion Euros for research and development into future technologies by 2025. The expectation is to sell more than 670,000 battery and fuel cell electric vehicles annually by this time, and to be positioned among the top three EV providers globally. In Europe, more than 75% of the line-up will be electrified by the end of 2020, and the company aims to supply almost 80,000 zero-emission vehicles to European consumers this year.

Prophecy establishes a new standard for the EV segment. The extended wheelbase and signature shorter overhang of the EV platform give Prophecy an iconic silhouette of perfect proportions. The result is a new EV architecture defined by pristine surfaces, pure volume and harmony of aesthetics and functionality.

Prophecy’s exterior features a clean and simple uninterrupted streamline extends from front to rear.

The centre console flows into the back of the four-seat stretched cabin, and the interior features low intensly lighting and a soothing color scheme to encourage stress-free travel. Filtered air from intake situated at the bottom of the reversed-hinge side door circulates around the cabin, before being scrubbed again on its way out.

Outside, the sporty electric number boasts sweeping curves, a long wheelbase and short overhang, propeller-like aero wheels that draw air in and direct down the side of the car, a rear spoiler for extra stability when zipping along at speed.

In addition, the pixelated progressive lighting technology is integrated into the headlamp, tail lamp and spoiler, reflecting design elements presented with the Hyundai 45 concept. The headlight, taillight and spoiler all feature pixelated lamps, first seen in last year's 45 EV, the number representing the years since the car it was based on - the pony coupe - was unveiled.

The interior design of Prophecy also leverages the advantages offered by Hyundai’s electric platform, which it shares with the Hyundai 45 concept. A key feature is the joystick steering system, which provides greater interior space and offers more expansive views and ergonomic seating for the cabin occupants. The atmosphere inside Prophecy is continuously refreshed thanks to integrated clean air technology.

[위키리크스 한국=김지형 기자]

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