[Arts Focus] Aiga Young-hwa kim's Magical Moments shines in Daegu, Korea
[Arts Focus] Aiga Young-hwa kim's Magical Moments shines in Daegu, Korea
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.08.22 08:13
  • 수정 2023.08.22 05:20
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Hotel Inter-Burgo Art Gallery 8.24~9.6....Opening Party 8.24  PM 3:00
김영화 작 moment(마법의순간), 117X90cm,石彩粉彩 on canvas 2022
moment 117X90cm, on canvas 2022

There is a painter who is marching hotter than anyone in 2023.

He held his 60th solo exhibition in New York last year at the High Line Nine Gallery for one month. After the opening, She has participated in 2023 LA Art Fair, San Francisco Art Market, Seoul Plus Art Fair, Hong Kong Art Fair, Art Busan.  Following Urban Break and Setak Art Festa, August is heating up in Daegu, Korea.

Hotel Inter-Burgo Art Gallery is going to hold her Solo Exibition on 8.24~9.6. At the same time, her works will be displayed on Dagu International Blue Art Fair on 24~27 this month. 

The main character is painter Kim Young-hwa, who melts the inner world of golf into oriental landscape paintings.

Furthermore, it is a magical moment work that concisely condenses the moment of joy and the moment of climax. 

대구인터불고호텔 김영화 화가 전시회 포스터. /아트인 제공

She is creating her life's work.

The initial focus in Kim Young-hwa’s work is the manifestation of eros and vitality.

The fundamental source of energy is seen as eros and vitality.

She held a solo exhibition with this as the first theme, expressed with refined lines and harmonious colors so profound that it couldn’t be further expanded.

Therefore, what she pursued was lyricism, but it didn’t bring happiness to the artist herself.

After numerous wanderings, the artist found simple happiness.

This happiness became the theme that evoked fresh responses to her through the physical and mental communion of golf.

Transforming the melancholy felt in the simplicity of everyday life into the joy and exhilaration of golf through an Eastern artistic method was her goal. 

골프 환희. /김영화 작
Joy of Golf

Expressing Western-style sports through Eastern artistic methods was no easy task.
Through years of dedication to her craft,

she succeeded in capturing the ups and downs of life, the cheerful feeling of golf, and rendering them in her paintings.

She felt happiness and ecstasy while painting golf, creating a new genre. Those who saw her paintings were also captivated.

Her golf paintings feature colors not commonly found in nature.

Her use of colors, influenced by her own catharsis, freely blends various shades together.

For example, she made green appear red at times, expressed mountains and fairways in various colors.

She even personified fairways as women and often depicted pine trees, symbolizing vitality, energy, and the joy of life.

Golf, four season.
Golf, four season.

Her golf paintings received immediate recognition.

They were featured in famous magazines and newspapers, earning her the title of “Golf Artist.”

Her golf paintings have been serialized for 15 years in the Korean newspaper “Munhwa Ilbo.”

What the artist pursues is vitality and energy.

She aimed to express vitality and energy even in golf and continually strives to achieve that.

Kim Young-hwa, a Korean painting major, highly values tradition.

She is particularly interested in portraiture and has drawn thousands of people’s faces on small golf balls as gifts.

This led to a significant opportunity.

She was given the chance to paint a traditional Korean portrait of a historical king.

Known as “Standard Portraits,” these are created through government review, and she was given the opportunity to paint the 25th King of Baekje, King Muryeong.

It’s safe to say that she earned this opportunity through her skill. 

She spent three years creating the Standard Portrait, putting in her best effort to infuse his spirit. 

Standard portrait of King Muryeong
Standard portrait of King Muryeong

Infusing the spirit means accurately capturing the person’s aura and energy, often evident in the eyes.

To do this, an artist must undergo extensive training, expanding their inner world and personal growth.

For a single piece, she created over 30 works and underwent review by National Portrait Review Committee members. 

The completed work is the Standard Portrait of King Murweong of Baekje, designated as National Treasure No. 99.

While working on this piece, the artist expanded her inner world further, and the opportunity for her next work came.

It’s the work of the Wonwumhwatong.

In 2018, the Winter Olympics took place in Pyeongchang, Gangwon Province, South Korea.


The artist created 108 pieces of art celebrating the peace Olympics.

On round canvas, blue and red harmoniously blend, depicting Olympic events with powerful lines.

This artwork can be seen as the foundation for creating magical moments.

Through this artwork, the artist depicted energy, hope, and communication in visual form.

Her unwavering passion is Eastern ink art.

It’s a perfect medium to express power, passion, and the boundless inner world, as Eastern artists have continually pursued.

단원 김홍도(왼쪽) 초상과, 김홍도의 9대손으로 여류화가인 김영화 화백(왼쪽) /출처= 평양조선미술박물관, 김영화 아뜰리에
Danwon Kim Hong-do(1745~ ) and Kim Yung Wha.

Her passion seems to be inherited from her ancestors.

She is a descendant of Danwon Kim Hong-do, born in 1745.

Danwon Kim Hong-do was known as a genius painter in late Joseon Dynasty, particularly in portraiture, flower-and-bird painting, and genre painting.

It seems that the artistic DNA runs strong in her, as she explores various genres like portraiture, landscape, abstract art, and more.

In 2019, she finally created her life’s work.

It’s a thought-provoking piece, a painting that stimulates viewers’ thoughts.

Moment_energique, 53x45cm, muk +merial pigment,2023
Moment_energique, 53x45cm, muk +merial pigment,2023

While her previous works were for herself as the artist, her recent pieces are for the viewers.

The title is “The Magic Moment.” People say it provokes many thoughts when they see it.
It appeals not only to children but also to adults, with its simplicity, sophistication, and splendor. 

Critic Kim Yoon-seok referred to this painting as “Korean Blue Flame.”

It speaks to the Korean sentiment of being modest yet not ordinary, splendid yet not extravagant.

김영화 작가
Kim Yung Wha, Painter



  • 서울특별시 마포구 마포대로 127, 1001호 (공덕동, 풍림빌딩)
  • 대표전화 : 02-702-2677
  • 팩스 : 02-702-1677
  • 청소년보호책임자 : 소정원
  • 법인명 : 위키리크스한국 주식회사
  • 제호 : 위키리크스한국
  • 등록번호 : 서울 아 04701
  • 등록일 : 2013-07-18
  • 발행일 : 2013-07-18
  • 발행인 : 박정규
  • 편집인 : 박찬흥
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