[Free Assange] “The war against journalism” documentary screened in Mar del Plata
[Free Assange] “The war against journalism” documentary screened in Mar del Plata
  • Yoo Jin, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.10.04 07:28
  • 수정 2023.10.04 07:28
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A documentary film series dedicated to the Australian journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange. /Pressenza
A documentary film series dedicated to the Australian journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange. /Pressenza

A documentary film series dedicated to the Australian journalist and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, began in Mar del Plata this Friday at the cultural centre Con la Fuerza del Mar.

With free admission, the film “The war against journalism” by Guatemalan director Juan Passarelli was screened. This was followed by a discussion and debate with the large audience.

The film screening included the participation of journalist Jorge Nuñez Arzuaga and writer and artist Daniela Tomé, who also exhibited her paintings about the Assange cause.

The series is organised by Libertad Assange Argentina and Free Assange Wave. In Buenos Aires it began in September and continues with the presence of journalists, artists, lawyers and human rights defenders such as Teresa Parodi, Alicia Castro, Cristina Camaño, Santiago O’Donnell, Javier Romero and Martín García, among others.

Julian Assange in London, April 11, 2019. [Reuters =Yonhap]
Julian Assange in London, April 11, 2019. [Reuters =Yonhap]

It should be noted that October could be a defining month for the Australian journalist, since after seven years of asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, he is being arbitrarily detained in a prison in England. He is awaiting a ruling on a request for his extradition by the US government, which accuses him of espionage.

Assange published on the web in 2010 documents proving the crimes and human rights violations committed against civilians by the US army in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

AMLO has offered political asylum to Assange but he is uunder arrest in Britain pending extradition to the US to stand trial for espionage'' /AP
AMLO has offered political asylum to Assange but he is uunder arrest in Britain pending extradition to the US to stand trial for espionage'' /AP

A light in the dungeon: Roger Waters and Yanis Varofakis visit Julian Assange in Belmarsh prison

On a somber Saturday, he received a visit from Yanis Varoufakis, DiEM25 co-founder, alongside Roger Waters and his wife Stella, that has brought his plight back into the limelight.

Yanis Varoufakis, no stranger to controversy himself with his anti-austerity stance and bold economic ideologies, has been an ardent supporter of Assange. The visit, lasting approximately two hours, provided a transient window into Assange’s current state, both physical and psychological. According to Varoufakis, Assange conveys a starkly deteriorating condition, holding onto the remnants of his self, preparing to rebuild "Julian" once his days behind bars come to an end.

Unwavering Spirit Amidst Unyielding Walls

Belmarsh Prison, known for its strict, arguably torturous conditions, has been Assange’s unwilling residence since April 2019, wherein, he has experienced solitary confinement for 23 out of 24 hours on numerous days, sharply drawing the ire of human rights organizations worldwide. The United Nations has not only condemned the conditions of his detainment but has also asserted that they amount to torture, thereby urging his release since 2020.

From left, John Shipton, father of Julian Assange; UMD journalism Professor Mark Feldstein; lawyer Barry Pollack; and producer Gabriel Shipton, Assange's half-brother, discuss the WikiLeaks founder's plight following a screening of a documentary about him, "Ithaka," in Knight Hall. MarylandToday
From left, John Shipton, father of Julian Assange; UMD journalism Professor Mark Feldstein; lawyer Barry Pollack; and producer Gabriel Shipton, Assange's half-brother, discuss the WikiLeaks founder's plight following a screening of a documentary about him, "Ithaka," in Knight Hall. MarylandToday


Despite never having been formally convicted, nor properly prosecuted, Assange’s treatment and continued detention in such harsh conditions stand out as a flagrant human rights violation in the eyes of numerous international onlookers. But why does he find himself in such dire straits? It all boils down to his audacious act of publishing material that showcased the harrowing realities of the US military’s actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Assange: The Thorn in the Side of Governments

Julian Assange, through his brainchild WikiLeaks, provided a platform that leaked classified government documents, exposing various global misdeeds and particularly, showcasing alleged war crimes perpetrated by the United States military. His relentless pursuit of transparency, revealing uncomfortable truths, earned him both acclaim and vehement opposition, subsequently becoming the fulcrum on which debates about freedom of information and national security are balanced.

A giant billboard in Melbourne calls for the release of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. /AFP Yonhap
A giant billboard in Melbourne calls for the release of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange. /AFP Yonhap


Suffering for the Sake of Truth

Assange’s persisting predicament brings forth poignant questions regarding the lengths to which governments will go to preserve their secrets and the moral imperative that falls upon whistleblowers and journalists to reveal truths. The toll on Assange, both mentally and physically, is ostensibly part of a broader strategy by the US and British authorities to obliterate him in all respects, signaling a dire warning to other potential whistleblowers.

An Undying Flame of Advocacy

Despite the squalid circumstances, Assange’s influence permeates far beyond the confinements of his cell. His plight continues to inspire discussions about journalistic ethics, freedom of information, and governmental transparency. Visits like those from Varoufakis not only shed light on Assange’s condition but also serve to reignite the debates surrounding the power dynamics between governments and the media. These moments, however fleeting, keep the embers of advocacy alight, maintaining a spotlight on the deeper-seated issues that Assange's situation embodies.

Persecusion of Julian Assange. /Pressenza
Persecusion of Julian Assange. /Pressenza


As Julian Assange battles against the abyss of despair in Belmarsh, his situation persistently serves as a stark reminder of the potentially perilous path trodden by those who dare to reveal the veiled misdeeds of the powerful. His existence, teetering on the edge of erasure, yet clinging stubbornly to a future where he may once again be “Julian,” underpins the enduring conflict between the safeguarding of sensitive information and the imperative to uphold moral and ethical transparency.

Julian Assange’s father, John Shipton, described the WikiLeaks founder as ‘morally destroyed, physically destroyed’. Photograph: Daniel Leal [AFP=Yonhap]
Julian Assange’s father, John Shipton, described the WikiLeaks founder as ‘morally destroyed, physically destroyed’. Photograph: Daniel Leal [AFP=Yonhap]
Free Assange Campaign. /Pressenza
Free Assange Campaign. /Pressenza



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