Son Ji-woong, LG Chem, said, "Innovative solutions for head and neck cancer treatment"
Son Ji-woong, LG Chem, said, "Innovative solutions for head and neck cancer treatment"
  • Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter
  • 승인 2024.01.17 10:25
  • 수정 2024.01.17 10:25
  • 댓글 0
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Phase 3 clinical trials to expand HPV negative patient care

LG Chem is launching phase 3 clinical trials to expand treatment opportunities for HPV (human papillomavirus) negative head and neck cancer patients.

According to LG Chem on the 17th, AVEO Pharmaceuticals, a U.S. new anticancer drug developer, registered its first tester by launching phase 3 clinical trials of "Ficlatuzumab," a new drug for head and neck cancer.

After LG Chem's incorporation into the subsidiary, Abeo is speeding up the development of a follow-up anticancer drug to succeed FOTIVDA, a kidney cancer treatment.

Pyclatuzumab is a single antibody-based targeted anticancer drug that inhibits the action of tumor-growing hepatocyte growth factor (HGF).

In phase 3 clinical trials, LG Chem plans to evaluate the efficacy and safety of piclatuzumab and erbitux combination therapy as a control group with the target anticancer drug "Urbitux" monotherapy used to treat head and neck cancer.

The U.S. FDA has designated the two combinations as fast-track drugs based on the results of phase 2 clinical trials of piclatuzumab and erbitux combination therapy.

The Fast Track system is one of the fast-track screening systems operated by the U.S. FDA to promote the development of new drugs that can meet unmet medical needs.

"Through this test, we will seek innovative treatment solutions to treat head and neck cancer," said Son Ji-woong, head of LG Chem's life science business division. "We will continue to create results in the new drug sector through global new drug development and successful commercialization."

Julie Bauman, director of George Washington University Hospital's Cancer Center, said, "Despite the emergence of the latest immunotherapy, the survival period after treatment of advanced head and neck cancer patients rarely exceeds a year. We plan to proceed with this clinical trial based on this urgency and the potential of the combination of the two drugs."

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Pil Hyun, Staff Reporter]

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