"TV Marketing↑" Can Dong-A Pharmaceutical's 'Comprehensive Cold Medicine' market be regained?
"TV Marketing↑" Can Dong-A Pharmaceutical's 'Comprehensive Cold Medicine' market be regained?
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2024.03.15 16:15
  • 수정 2024.03.15 16:15
  • 댓글 0
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While "Panfirin (Dong-A Pharmaceutical)," which was the No. 1 in the domestic comprehensive cold medicine market, and "Pancol (Donghwa Pharmaceutical)," which was the No. 2 player, showed changes in sales composition, attention is being paid to whether Dong-A Pharmaceutical will seek a marketing shift this year.

According to IQVIA, a pharmaceutical market research firm, Pancol ranked first with 34.7 billion won in sales last year, while Pancol ranked second with 32.5 billion won in sales.

It is the first time that Pankol has beaten Pampyrin since its release in 1968.

According to Dong-A Pharmaceutical, sales at pharmacies, including direct transactions, amounted to 40.2 billion won (45.6 million U.S. dollars), while Pancol sold 38 billion won (35.6 million dollars). However, Pancol lost to Pancol (13 billion won) at convenience stores, giving up its No. 1 ranking.

In this regard, an official from Dong-A Pharmaceutical said, "Pampyrin's main seller is pharmacies, and we will continue to focus on pharmacy sales."

In April last year, the distribution channel was divided into a drugstore direct site called DAP mall, which explained that sales of DAP mall have not yet been reflected in IQVIA.

Regarding convenience store sales, he said, "Convenience stores sell pancol as a liquid type, whereas pampyrin is sold as an oral type, but liquid type tends to be preferred." Usually, it is difficult to reorganize once it is established as a regular medicine item at a convenience store.

Dong-A Pharmaceutical plans to strengthen its marketing by maintaining TV commercials and adding consumer communication activities this year.

Meanwhile, pampyrin and pancol are comprehensive cold medicines containing acetaminophen, a antipyretic pain reliever.

As the two products account for more than half of the sales of the domestic cold medicine market worth 142 billion won, attention is being paid to how the market will develop.

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]


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