[Yoo Seung Rok, 1 Year in Office] New Insulin Pump Launched, Focusing on Market Expansion
[Yoo Seung Rok, 1 Year in Office] New Insulin Pump Launched, Focusing on Market Expansion
  • Cho Eun, Reporter
  • 승인 2023.10.10 22:28
  • 수정 2023.10.10 22:28
  • 댓글 0
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'MiniMed 780G System'..."Diabetic patients have the biggest difficulty in meal management"
[Photo courtesy of Medtronic Korea]
[Photo courtesy of Medtronic Korea]

Medtronic Korea announced on October 10th that it has launched the MiniMed 780G System equipped with insulin infusion algorithm in Korea.

It is an automated insulin infusion pump that automatically adjusts basal as well as corrected insulin levels based on the sensor glucose value measured by a connected continuous glucose monitor.

The MiniMed 780G system automatically adjusts insulin bolus doses up to 288 times a day, every 5 minutes, based on the new SmartGuard automatic mode feature.

The SmartGuard automatic mode feature sets a certain period of time to maintain blood glucose within a target range based on a patient’s personal target blood glucose level, which is set through discussion with a healthcare provider for each patient’s individual condition.

The automatic mode target can be selected from 100, 110, and 120 mg/dL in consultation with a healthcare provider to suit individual conditions. The connected continuous glucose monitor is the Guardian 4 transmitter.

"While interest in continuous glucose monitors has increased, patients with pancreatic insufficiency diabetes, who secrete little insulin, need not only to identify and predict hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, but also to manage blood glucose within the target range by taking insulin accordingly," said Dr Kim Jae Hyeon, professor of endocrinology at Samsung Medical Center.

Mr. Yoo Seung Rok, managing director of Medtronic Korea, said, "For insulin-dependent diabetic patients, meal management is the biggest challenge, and precise carbohydrate calculation is the most burdensome part of diabetes management. It is very encouraging to finally introduce our insulin injection algorithm to diabetic patients in Korea.“

Mr. Yoo was appointed as managing director in December last year.

He said at the time of his appointment, "I will do everything in my power to listen to the voices of our employees and domestic healthcare professionals, who have been working together, and to lead change and growth in line with the diversifying healthcare industry environment." 

Medtronic Korea was founded in 2000 and currently employs approximately 550 people.

[WIKI KOREA=Cho Eun, Reporter]


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