Issuance of pet dog pedigree by NFT... NFTs Expand the area to pet business field following cryptocurrency, art, webtoon, entertainment 
Issuance of pet dog pedigree by NFT... NFTs Expand the area to pet business field following cryptocurrency, art, webtoon, entertainment 
  • Kang Hye Won, Reporter
  • 승인 2022.04.13 16:15
  • 수정 2022.04.13 07:00
  • 댓글 0
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"It will be the first achievement in the world to issue an NFT for a pet dog pedigree"
Korea Kennel Federation and JFlex Uni signed an agreement for business operation
The Korea Kennel Federation (President Ha-Kyung Song) and J-Flex Uni (CEO Hee-Woo Kim) signed a business agreement on the 11th for the issuance of NFT for pet dog pedigree. [Photo courtesy of Korea Kennel Federation]
The Korea Kennel Federation (President Ha-Kyung Song) and JFlex Uni (CEO Hee-Woo Kim) signed a business agreement on the 11th for the issuance of NFT for pet dog pedigree. [Photo courtesy of Korea Kennel Federation]

The non-fungible token (NFT)s are rapidly expanding their territory. NFTs reached to the field of pets business following cryptocurrency, art, webtoon, entertainment, etc.

The Korea Kennel Federation(President Song Ha-kyung) and JFlex Uni(CEO Kim Hee-woo) announced on the 12th April that they had signed a business agreement for Metaverse and NFT. 

Through this agreement, the Korea Kennel Federation can issue the pedigree by NFT. It is the first trial in the world to issue a pet dog pedigree using NFT.

KKF and JFlex plan to cooperate for mutual development in various fields through the metaverse platform that can run dog shows and various pet cultural events. BTSC tokens are used to pay for pet-related items on Metaverse. 

The Korea Kennel Federation can issue the pedigree by NFT. It is the first trial in the world to issue a pet dog pedigree using NFT. [Yonhap]

Hee-woo Kim, CEO of JFlex Uni, who attended the business agreement ceremony held on the 11th at the office of the Korea Kennel Federation, said, "We will promote technical support for the online dog show, which KKF plans to carry out as a pilot project this year, and develop new contents that many pet dog owners can enjoy in the future. We will do our best to contribute to the development of Korea's pet dog culture" he said.

Previously, on the 7th, JFlex Uni signed an MOU with CODE ONE ENTERTAINMENT, a global entertainment company in the US to produce contents in the metaverse at the headquarter’s conference room in Samsung-dong, Seoul
Code One Entertainment will be in charge of music and VOD distribution, planning performances and production, contents production, and global marketing in the J Flex World platform.

Based on this metaverse production platform agreement, the two companies plan to play an active role on the global stage by presenting 'K-pop and overseas musician performances' with various contents in the era of the 4th industrial revolution and cutting-edge IT technology. Two companies plan to hold a large-scale concert of American POP musicians to commemorate the opening of 'J Flex World' in October 2022.

[WikiLeaks Korea= Kang Hye Won]

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