한국인 테너 김성호, 제37회 벨베데레국제콩쿨 우승
한국인 테너 김성호, 제37회 벨베데레국제콩쿨 우승
  • 강혜원 기자
  • 승인 2018.06.12 08:26
  • 수정 2018.06.12 08:26
  • 댓글 0
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예종 출신 베를린국립음대 유학.. 플라치도 도밍고 최고테너상 이은 쾌거

한국인 테너 김성호 씨(29)가 제37회 벨베데레국제콩쿨에서 우승했다.

라트비아 유르말라에서 열린 이번 콩쿨에서 김성호는 1차 Tombe degli avi miei, 2차 윌리엄텔 Asile hereditere에 이어 결선에서 Povero Ernesto 오페라 돈파스꽐레 연주로 최고의 영예를 안았다.

2등은 그리스 출신 베이스 조지스 알렉산드로스(드레스덴 젬퍼오퍼 솔리스트), 3등은 파벨 페트로프(오스트리아 그라쯔 솔리스트)가 차지했다.

이번 콩쿨에서도 최종 라운드에 한국인이 13명이 진출하는 등 클래식강국 코리아의 위상을 드러냈다.

한국예술종합학교를 실기 수석 졸업한 김씨는 베를린국립음대 오페라과 2학기째 재학 중이다. 2016년 스페인 비냐스국제콩쿨에서 플라치도 도밍고 최고테너상을 수상한 바 있다. 오는 9월부터 독일함부르크 국립극장에 2년 장학생으로 선발되어 솔리스트로 활동할 예정이다.

[테너 김성호 프로필]
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Korean Tenor Sungho Kim Win 37th Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition

Bathed in glorious sunshine, the picturesque Baltic seaside town of Jūrmala in Latvia played host to the 37th International Hans Gabor Belvdere Singing Competition. After whittling down the 147 competitors to just 16 finalists, the opera jury who are mainly artistic directors of opera houses around the world had the challenging task of electing the most worthy candidate. Inevitably, given the fine calibre of singing on offer tonight there were some crushing disappointments but there was a number of special prizes with concomitant engagements that helped to alleviate some of the other competitors’ pain.

Georgios Alexandros Stavrakakis, Sungho Kim and Pavel Petrov © Dzintari Concert Hall Jūrmala

It was South Korean tenor Sungho Kim who took the €7000 first prize and with it a host of engagements. He was also awarded the special prize engagement at the Staatsoper Dresden. The second prize went to the Greek bass Georgios Alexandros Stavrakakis who was also the popular favourite and won the audience prize. The third went to Belarusian tenor Pavel Petrov who in addition garnered the special prize from Lativan National Opera, and the prize from the Media Jury went to Russian tenor Boris Stepanov.

The Hans Gabor Belvedere Competition’s niche is that it is the opera directors, music promoters and the media who judge the competitors rather than singing teachers. It considers itself as a “springboard for a career in opera” and certainly its engagements that follow are very valuable for the lucky few. First prize-winner Sungho Kim’s Ernesto from Donizetti’s Don Pasquale exhibited a fine self-piteous “O povero Ernesto” as he lamented his fate, sadness dripping from every syllable. His voice was agile, his vibrato tight as he sang about seeking a distant land (“Cercherò lontana terra”) but it was vocal power more than beauty than impressed here.

There was a magnetic intensity to the second prize-winner Stavrakakis’ “Ella giammai m’amò” from Verdi’s Don Carlo. King Philip II controls large portions of the world, but he is gnawed by doubt that his much younger wife doesn’t love him. Stavrakakis’ deep, sepulchre voice seemed to envelop the audience in sound as he revealed his character’s touching vulnerability. It was a terrifically compelling performance and a worthy winner of the coveted audience prize.

The sweet heft of the Belarusian tenor Pavel Petrov made its mark in Puccini’s “Che gelida manina” from La Bohème. Blessed with a warm, golden tone and an effortless projection, Petrov as the poet Rodolfo not only touched the heart of Mimi, the young woman who has come to his attic room on Christmas Eve searching for a match to relight her candle, but the audience’s heart as well.

Highly expressive and charming, Russian tenor Boris Stepanov grasped our attention from the opening note with Lensky’s aria “Kuda, kuda vi udalilis” from Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin, sung as he awaits his duel with his erstwhile friend Eugene who flirted with his fiancée. I could have listened to Stepanov’s voice happily for another few hours and in the forte sections his voice opened up expansively. There were some delectable switches between ff and p that he made seem effortless. He richly deserved the Media Jury prize.

There were five others who won special jury prizes which translate into valuable engagements to opera houses around Europe, Russia and South Africa. The German mezzo-soprano Deniz Uzun was the most engaging of them and should, I felt, have captured one of the top prizes. Energetic and coquettish, she flirted her way through Rossini’s “Cruda sorte” from L’italiana in Algeri. And while the tessitura of the part of Isabella is much more suited to a contralto, Uzun proved herself splendidly agile as she dexterously sung the low F as well as the F two octaves higher.

The Russian tenor Andrei Danilov hit a peach of a high C in Offenbach’s “Il était une fois à la cour d'Eisenach” from Les contes d’Hoffmann while the Brazilian soprano Camila Titinger was at her best as she unfurled the delicate tendrils of melody in Mozart’s “E Susanna non vien...Dove sono” from Le Nozze di Figaro. Mexican Jorge Espino possessed a rich voice, as dark and intense as a red wine and South African baritone Martin Mkhize was full of dramatic and exciting potential.

The most surprising absence from any sort of prize was the delectable Australian soprano Emma Moore, something the audience were quick to pick up on too as they gave her an extra-long ovation. Possessed of a voice as pure as liquid gold, she bewitched and charmed in equal measure. Her pianissimos were exquisite and her high notes heavenly. There was never the hint of power at the expense of expression – rather it was the voice of an artist, one whom I long to hear much more of in the future.

37th International Belvedere Singing Competition: Award Winners presented in the Finals Gala Concert in Jurmala, Latvia

The winner of the International Hans Gabor Singing Competition 2018 is Sungho Kim, 27 years old and from South Korea. He successfully convinced the jury at the finals gala concert at the Dzintari Hall Jurmala in Latvia. In addition, seven more prizes were awarded, and numerous singers received engagements at various renowned European opera houses.

For the first time, the finals of the International Hans Gabor Belvedere Singing Competition took place in Latvia. 147 singers came to the city at the Baltic Sea. 63 made it to the semi-finals, 16 participants – three sopranos, one mezzo-alto, five tenors, five baritones and two basses – could showcase their talent at the Sunday night finale, which was live streamed on the internet. The finalists come from 13 different countries.

Before this, qualification rounds took place in 71 cities with 1.125 singers from 78 countries. One third of all participants came from South Korea, Russia and South Africa, the United States, China and Germany.

“The competitive level was extremely high this year”, remarked the general managers of the competition, Isabella Gabor and Holger Bleck. “It was not an easy decision for the jurors.”

Equally excellent was the organization by the team of the Dzintari Hall. “We thank director Guntars Ķirsis and his team for the perfect organization and the warm reception in Jurmala. The work done here was extraordinary. Everyone felt perfectly at ease”, they said.

Furthermore, the hosts for the final rounds of the next three years were announced: In 2019, it will be the Carinthian Summer Musical Festival, Austria, in 2020, the Teatro Real in Madrid and in 2021, the Wexford Festival Opera, Ireland.

  • 1st prize: Sungho Kim, South Korea

  • 2nd prize and Prize of the Audience: Georgios Alexandros Stavrakakis, Bass, Greece

  • 3rd prize and Hans Gabor Prize: Pavel Petrov, Tenor, Belarus

  • Prize of the International Media-Jury: Boris Stepanov, Tenor, Russia

  • Wil Keune Prize for a singer with great potential born after 1992: Jaka Mihelac, Baritone, Slovenia

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